Summer Reading



DARKHORSECOMICS was founded in1986by MikeRichardsonasanoffshoot of hisOregoncomic- book retail chain, ThingsFromAnotherWorld. Twenty- fiveyears later, thecompanyhasgrown tobecome the third-largest comicspublisher in theUnitedStates, known for such titlesasStarWars, Buffy, andHellboy.

STRANGECHEMISTRY isaglobal imprint dedicated to thebest inmodernYAscience fiction, fantasy, supernatural, andeverything inbetween.

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StolenSongbird MaledictionTrilogy BookOne byDanielleL. Jensen “T hebook is full of magic, adventure, outlandishcreatures, andat itsheart isoneof themost touching lovestories I have ever read. . . . Thisnovel takesaveryold fairy-tale clichéand turns it intoa

Donotorder thebelowtitlesbefore6/1/14.

Hellboy, Volume1 Seedof Destruction byMikeMignolaand JohnByrne H ellboy, theworld’sgreatest paranormal investigator, is

theonly thingstandingbetween sanityand insanityashebattles themystical forcesof the netherworldanda trulybizarre plagueof frogs. DarkHorse TR 978-1-59307-094-6 128pp. $17.95/$19.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 Emilyand the Strangers

stunninglyoriginal andbeautiful story.”—AvidReviews StrangeChemistry TR 978-1-908844-96-5 480pp. $9.99/$10.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-1-908844-97-2 $6.99/$6.99Can.


Pantomime (MicahGrey, Book1) byLauraLam Nominated for the2014 ALARainbowList “A lyrical, stunningly writtendebut novel,

byRobReger and MariahHuehner

IllustratedbyBuzzParker I norder towina legendary hauntedguitar, Emily is determined tocreate themost

rockin’ song theworldhas ever known! But canshedo it solo?Emily isn’t known for playingwell withothers, but she’sgoing tohave to relyon thehelpof strangers if she’s tosucceedon hermusical journey to the trueheart of rock ’n’ roll. DarkHorse HC 978-1-61655-323-4 80pp. $12.99/$14.50Can. ExamCopy:$6.50 Avatar TheLast Airbender

whichsetmyheart racing withevery lift of the trapeze. InMicahwehaveoneof the most original—and likeable— protagonists I’ve readabout in a long time.”—AmyMcCulloch, author of TheOathbreaker’sShadow StrangeChemistry TR 978-1-908844-37-8 400pp. $9.99/$10.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-1-908844-38-5 $6.99/$6.99Can.


TheWeight of Souls byBryonyPearce “X -FilesmeetsThe SixthSense througha rollercoaster of twists, truths, dares, loveand theever

(TheRift, Part 1) byGeneLuenYang, Michael DanteDiMartino, andBryanKonietzko IllustratedbyGurihiru A vatarAangaskshis friends tohelphimhonor Yangchen’sFestival—one of thehighest AirNomad holidays,whichhasn’t been celebrated inover onehundredyears.

after.”—SaraGrant, award- winningauthor ofHalf Lives andDarkParties StrangeChemistry HC 978-1-908844-64-4 288pp. $17.99/$19.99Can. ExamCopy:$9.00 EB: 978-1-908844-65-1 $6.99/$6.99Can.


“One of the best newpop culturemythologies to debut in the last decade.” — Kotaku DarkHorse TR 978-1-61655-295-4 80pp. $10.99/$12.50Can. ExamCopy:$3.00

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