USD Volleyball 2008

The University of San Diego is veryproud of the student– athletes that represent our institution on 16 men 's and 1vomen 's NC4.A Division-I athletic teams. These areproud and serious competitors, honored to represent the University. The dedication you 1vitness on theplqyingftelds, on the court, on the course, or in the n;ater isgreatjy matched in the classrooms, the laboratories, on stage, or in the community. Lastyear thirty-tJvo percent of our student-athletes carriedagrade-point average above 3.2, and eight of our teams had a cumulative grade-point average above 3.0. Athletics is vital to the University of San Diego, a 1vqy students, faculty, staff and alumni come together as one com– munity. I am both a university president and a Torero fan; I look fonvard to sharing the excitement of Torero athletics zvith our matry fans.

Dr. Mary E. Lyons President

Ms. Carmen M. Vazquez VP

Dr. Julie Sullivan V P Provost

Rizy Hrynderickx Ph.D V P. Finance & Administration

Student Affairs

D1: Ti11Jotfy O 'Mallry VP. University Relations

ivfsgr. Daniel Di/labo11gh V P.

Mission & Ministr

University of San Diego Mission Statement The University of San Diego is a Roman Cathol ic institution committed to advancing academic excellence, expanding liberal and professional knowledge, creating a diverse and inclusive community, and preparing leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service. University of San Diego Vision Statement The University of San Diego is becoming a nationally preeminent Catholic university known for educating students who are globally competent, ethical leaders working and serving in our complex and changing world.

The l.] niversit:y of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed to advancing academic excellence, expanding liberal and professional knowledge, creating a di,·erse and inclusive com– munit:y, and preparing leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service.

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