Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906



PBELIUINABY AND FINAL EXAMINATIONS, OCTOBEE, 1899. At the Preliminary Examination for Candidates seek ing to be bound as Apprentices to Solicitors, held upon the 10th and llth days of October, 1899, the following passed the Examination, and their names are placed in : order of merit:— I 1. William A. Smiles. 2. Warren S. L. Wright. 3. Henry Lemass. 11. Edwin Henry Watson. 12. Thomas A. Ireland.

13. William Whaley. 14. John P. M'Cann. 15. James A. Culbert. 16. Albert R. QainueU. 17. Frank J. Magan. 18. George S. Rogers. 19. James O'Connor.

4. George Murnaghan. 5. Willoughby Wilson. ; 6. Herbert M'William. • 7. Robert Erskioe. < 8. John J. Gonlding. ' 9. Charles B. W. Boyle. 10. Edgar G. Diamond.

, - Thomas Joseph Deering and Thomas Orr have passed the Special Preliminary Examination for which they had liberty to present themselves. The remaining Candidates are postponed. At the Final Examination for Apprentice« seeking admission as Solicitors, held upon 12th and 13th October,

the following Candidates passed the Examination, and ' their names ;ire placed in order of merit:— •.. 1. Charles J. Murray, •'B.A.. R.V.I. 2. Michael R 'Hegarty. . 3. Joseph Wilson. 12. James Rpuutree. 13. .luhn T. Mngiiire. 14. :

4. Richard A. J. .O'Brien. 5. Michael A. t^alvin, jun. 6. JHngh J. Jones. 7. Richard D. Bates. 8. Henry BJackburne. 9. Wiliiam J. Baxter, B.A., H.U.I. 10. Joseph 0. lUyles, B.A., T.C.D. 11. John A. J. Brooks.

16. Patrick V. l.oughrey. 17. Charles M. Boy ton, B.A., T.C.D. 18. William Joseph O'Neill. 19. Joseph M'Henry. 20. Ge..rge E. Reid, B.A.,

The Court of Examiners lave awiuf&d Silver Medal8 to Charles J. Murray, B.A., R.U I., and .IVUclisel g? Hegnrty, and Special Certificates to Joseph \Vil»on> Richard A. J. O'Brien, Michael A. Galviri, jun., and Hugh J. -Jones.. • ;• __. - ' ." "' The remaining Candidates are postponed. FlNDLATEK RCHOLAESHIP, 1 8U9.- The.Findlater Scholarship for 1S99 has been r to" Joseph Jackson Wolfe, B.A., ElU.I. By prder,



Solicitors' Buildings, Dublin, 8th November, 1899.

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