Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906






At the Preliminary Examination held upon 2nd aigl 3rd. ».. January, for Candidates seeking to be bound as Appren- V- tices to Solicitora, all who presented themselves pa£sed-*Bhe ." Examination, and their names are arranged in oVder 'of* jv. merit as follows :— 1. David W. E-wms; •-,-. -'

2. James C. Tweed. f ^ 3. Francis C. Nugeut.

4. David Fouhy. 5. Kevin Walsh.

James B. Cresswell passed the special Preliminary Ex amination for which he had liberty to present himself. At the Final Examination held upon 4th and 5th Janu ary, ;fo£ Ajjjjj-entices seeking to be admitted as Solicitors,

the following Candidates passed therj names are arranged in order 1. Henry D. Keane. 10. 2. Robert Quigg. 11. 3. John J. Kennedy, B.A., R.TJ.I. 12. 4. James H. Murphy,B.A., 13. R.TJ.I. ..- 5. Charles Mooney. 14. 6. John Walsh. 7. Robert L. Brown. ^5. 8. Michael J. MacNamara. *6. 9. W. N. G.Despard,B.S., 17. T.C.D. ' 18.

the Examination, and of merit:— Florence W. M'Carthy. S. M. J. O'Farrell, B.A., R.TJ.I. Henry St. P. Walsh. William R. N. Town- send. Meredith A. Smy'thV B.A., T.C.D. V

William Lewis. Thomas Boyle. John J. Kea. John M'Padden.

The Court of Examiners have awarded a Gold Medal to Henry D. Keane; Silver Medals to Robert Quigg and John J. Kennedy ; and Special Certificates to James H. Murphy and Charles Mooney. The remaining Candidates are postponed. By order, Wsi. GrEO. WAKELY, Secretary.

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