Member of the Month Jerry Krist and Irene Martin

October Member of the Month

Our October member of the month goes to a fairly new member. Jerry Krist and Irene Martin have only been members since 2014. Jerry has a glass etching business and after seeing the wine glasses he etched for sale in the Boatique, we decided to ask Jerry about etching our center pieces for our Ball. Jerry did a fantastic job on the center pieces and did it for a very good price. When Jerry heard we were putting a mirror up behind the bar, he approached the Commodore and said he would like the opportunity to do the etching. After several delays with the mirror, it was delivered to Jerry for etching. Jerry did a beautiful job etching along the edges and with the NCYC burgee in the center. This was done at no charge to the club. If you haven’t had an opportunity to view the mirror, check it out next time you are at the club. It is beautiful!!! This is why our club can accomplish so much! Dedicated members and their contributions. Thank you Jerry and Irene, it is an honor to welcome you to the order of the Anchor!!! Congratulations!!!

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