eBro - Online version 2015_vfinal


Supports the following “Leadersdo” competencies...

 Provide engaged and supportive leadership

 Provide formal employee development

 Support highexpectations of success andadvancement

Situational Leadership is awell-groundedand respectedemployee developmentmodel. It focuses on developing flexible / situationally appropriate leadership skills. This oneday courseprovides par- ticipantswith the knowledge and skills to increase employee self-direction and self-support, result- ing in improved employee performance and satisfaction.


APi GroupHQ: January8th, 2015

This course is appropriate for ALL levels of lead- ership. Thosedirectly responsible for the perfor- mance development of others arebest served.

APi GroupHQ: August 5th, 2015

Participantsmust currently lead at least one other person.

[After attending] Theemployee I startedwithhas made a180° change. I wasgoing to firehim,

but hehaschangedsomuch I gavehim a raise.

- CourseParticipant


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