Alcalá View 1986 3.2

Halloween party set T he bewitching hour will strike on cam- pus at 2 p.m. on Oc- tober 31 in the Serra Hall s nack bar. That's the time and date of the second an- nual Best Halloween Cos- tum e Contest. s ponsored by the Human Resources Office. At last year's inaugural event. nearly 50 employees dressed as characters rang- ing from E.T. to the devil e n te red t h e contest. The Print Shop, costumed as a prison chain gang, won the top prize. This year's party will fea- ture prizes for the best indi- v idua l and gro u p cos- tumes. punch and cookies, and a pane l of celebrity judges who will judge the costumes. If you have Ha ll oween decorations you would like to donate to Human Re- sources to he lp decorate the Serra snack bar, call Calista Frank at ext.4594 . Watch for more contest and party details soon . •

Consider campus job openings B ave you been in your current cam- pus position for several years? Do you find yourse lf wanting to move up the ladde r but unable to do so in your department? If you answered yes. then consider applying for posi- tions in other departments across campus. The Uni- versity seeks to promote its current emp loyees when - ever possible, according to Calista Frank . Human Resources coordinator of employment and training. "As long as an employee is qualified for the position available.'' says Frank. " we give first preference to an on campus candidate inter- ested in a promotion or in a late ral move from one de- partment to another. After that we consider outside candidates." Employe es can kee p th ems e lves informed of open campus positions in several ways. Eve ry Friday afternoon. avai lable posi- tions are posted on the bu l- le tin boards located out- side and inside the Human Resources Office. DeSales 100. Most positions a lso are advertised in the Sun- day San Diego Union . Fi- nal ly. Human Resources upda tes its job line record- ing listing job ope nings eve ry Tu e sday morn ing . The number is 260-4626. Current emp loyee s do not have to comple te a new job application whe n ap- ply ing for another campus position. An addendum ap- plication. requesting infor- mation related to the new position . is the only pa- pe rwork required . Job app li cations are re-

viewed in the Human Re- sou rces Office, then sen t to the h iring supervisor. Job candidates are interviewed both by Frank and the hir- ing supervisor. Frank says there is con- fusion surrounding Hu - man Resources· terminol- ogy describing job searches. A c l osed job s ea rch . sh e exp lains . means Human Resources is no longer accepting ap- p lica tio n s. but is in the process of interviewing candidates. A fil led posi- tion means a candidate has accepted a position. To help employees inter- es ted in upward job mobil- ity, Human Resources will sponsor a resume writing and app lication comp le- tion workshop t h is fa ll. Employees should watch for more details soon. For more information about applying for campus positions. contact Frank in the Human Resources Of- fice , ext. 4594 . •






Karen Reed

Death James Infantino. father of Dr. Robert Infantino , associate professor of edu- cation. in August. • Has som e thing notabl e happe ned in your life? Share the news with the rest of the USD community by phoning ext. 4684. We' ll include the news in an up- coming issue of A l ca l a View . •

Al ca l a V i ew i s publish ed m on thl y August through May by th e Publications a nd Hu- man Reso urces offices. The newsletter is distributed to all Unive r sity or San Diego em - ployees. Editorial m a teri al for possi- bl e u se in Alcala Vi ew should be submitted by the first of the month or the desir ed publica- tion. Ma teri al shou ld be deliv- ered or sent to DcSales 274.

This photo of Jose Rega- lado taken at the Staff Ap- preciation Picnic was in - correctly identified as Jua n Machado in the August is- sue of Alcala View. We apol- ogize for the error.

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