1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


sugar, which is improper, as, when the pulp and sugar are well mixed together, it adds much to the richness of the Punch. When only Rum is used, about half a pint of Porter will soften the Punch ; and even when both Rum and Brandy are used, the Porter gives a richness, and to some a very pleasant flavour. lb. Powdered Sugar. 3 Q,ts. Rhine Wine. 1 Q.t. Sparkling Water. Glass Brandy. Glass Maraschino. Tablespoonsful of Tea Put the tea in a small piece, of cheese cloth and leave in the above mixturefor about ten minutes. Surround punch bowl with cracked ice and add slices offruit in Season. 1 Qt. Champagne. • ROMAN 1 Qt. Rum. I PUNCH. Liqueur Glass OrangeBitters. 1 1 2 Mineral RHINE WINE PUNCH. (10 persons).


The Juice of 10 Lemons. The Juice of 3 Oranges. 2 lbs. Sugar. The Whites of 10 Eggs.

Use punch bowl. Dissolve Sugar in lemon and orange juice, add the rind of one orange, add the well beaten whites of eggs. Surround the bowl with cracked ice and stir the ingredients well together.


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1 Liqueur Glass Maraschino. 1 Liqueur Glass Curasao. 1 Liqueur Glass Grand Marnier. Usepunchbowl, 1 block ofice andaddslices of ruit in season.


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