1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book

PEACH CUP Carefully peel one or two fine ripe peaches, and cut up with a silver knife into small pieces, losing as little juice as possible, then place into suitable Cup Vessel (glass bowl or soup tureen). Pour one bottle of light Still Moselle over the fruit and add 2 or 3 tablespoonsful of castor sugar, stir the mixture gently and cover over carefully, leaving it to draw for 20—30 minutes when another bottle of Still Moselle, previously iced, should be added. At the moment of serving a bottle of. Sparkling Moselle should be added to the Cup, which should then be tasted and, if necessary, further sugar added. Serve in suitable glasses, when it is ad visable to keep the fruit back in the bowl. The Cup should be carefully iced, but on no account should ice beput into the Cup.


2 Liqueur Glasses Maraschino. 1 Liqueur Glass Cura9ao. % Tablespoonful Sugar. 1 Quart Rhine Wine.

Serve in large Jug with four lumps of ice. Decorate with slices of orange and pineapple and one very small slice of cucumber peel. 3 or ^ sprigs offresh Mint on top. SAUTERNE CUP. The same as for Rhine Wine Cup, substituting Sauterne for the Rhine Wine.


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