1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


THE CLASSED CLARETS. Among the great wines produced throughout the world, with the possible exception of Champagnes, the ' Classed Growths' of the Medoc Clarets stand alone, particularly those bearing upon their labels the ' hall mark '—" Mis en bouteilles au Chateau," or, as we say, Chateau-Bottled. Before, therefore, proceeding with the actual description of the various ' Growths,' it will be as well to pause here to enquire into the exact meaning of this highly important phrase, so that we may see just why such labelling is held in respect by the Claret connoisseur. We must go back to a very important landmark in the history of the great Clarets, to the year 1846, when the practice of ' Chateau Bottling ' was first inaugurated. Until that year, the famous Chateaux of the Gironde disposed of their vintage to the big dealers in bulk, and the bottling of the wine was, in consequence, entirely in the hands of the trade. In that year, however, the celebrated Chateau Lafite obtained the very special privilege of bottling the vintage, or at least part of it, actually upon the estate. It will be seen at once that in this way the wine was definitely authenticated, and the ' mark ' became, in consequence, highly prized. During the years that followed, other Chateaux adopted the practice, until to-day quite a number of the ' elect' are permitted to carry on the privileged practice of Chateau Bottling.' These, then, are the wines so highly esteemed, that stand above all others of the Gironde, the very names of which come smoothly and lusciously off the tongue of the connoisseur.


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