1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


The RHEINGAU wines are almost exclusively made from Riesling grapes, and are somewhat crisper in flavour than those originating from the other two districts. They are distinguished for their great elegance. The Rheingau includes the famous growths of Rauenthal, Erbach, Marcobrunn, Hattenheim, Stein berg, Oestrich, Schloss Vollrads Winkel, Schloss Johannisberg, Geisenheim and Rudesheim, the wines of which are noted for their raciness and fruit. HOCHHEIM is included in the Rheingau district and produces some excellent wines. It is generally accepted that the English generic term of Hock, used to designate all Rhein wines, is derived from the name of the town Hochheim. RHEINHESSEN extends along the left bank of the Rhine from Worms to Bingen. The Riesling and the Oesterreicher are the two vines most cultivated in this district. Rheinhessen wines are somewhat milder than those of the Rheingau, and show more variety than the latter. In Oppenheim full-bodied wines posses sing great fruit are made ; Nierstein wines are mellower, but at the same time more elegant. The wines of Rheinhessen improve more quickly in bottle than those of the Rheingau, and are, as a rule, deeper in colour.

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