1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


peare, through the lips of the robust Falstaff, and who will deny that he spoke from the heart ? For the immortal Bard, akin to many great men of his time, was truly appreciative of the subtle vapours of ' Sherris-Sack," or Sherry, as we have since learned to call it in an age when brevity is counted among the seven virtues. Yet, curiously enough, even " Sherris-Sack ' is a derivation, possessing an origin in ' Jerez-Sec '—Jerez being the name of the Spanish province from which this special wine has always been produced. Nowadays, of course, we are prone to include Madeira. Sherry, good Sherry, still remains among the first loves on the palate of the connoisseur, although, perhaps, its more general popularity is not now so great as it was fifty years ago. The direct reason for this lies in the fact that from one cause or another Sherries that were scarcely deserving of the name were from time to time foisted upon a market slow in discovering that ignorance is not always bliss. Be careful, therefore, in acquiring your Sherry, if you would enjoy its real delights as you should.



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