ESTROOnline Educational Resources and Tools

FALCON Fellowship in Anatomic deLineation and CONtouring

FALCON is the ESTRO’s comprehensive contouring training programme aimed at improving the delineation skills of radiation oncology professionals, and at contributing to better treatment planning for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy. FALCON provides interactive teaching in tumour target, OAR contouring and uses for this purpose Educase, a web based treatment simulation software.

FALCON Fellowship inAnatomicdeLineation&CONtouring

Group contour results at week 1 (left) and week 2 (right) of a FALCON online workshop in breast cancer. Note the improvement of the group contours (orange) with respect to the author contours (green) in week 2.

LIVE COURSES ANDWORKSHOPS ESTRO started implementing Educase, FALCON’s contouring tool, in its live teaching programmes in 2010. Since then the software has been used in 50 clinically orientated and/or image focused live courses and 35 hands-on delineation workshops at annual ESTRO conferences. More than 4,000 radiation oncology professionals have benefited from such interactive training. ONLINE WORKSHOPS In 2012, ESTRO organised the first online FALCONworkshop. Online workshops can include 20-30 participants and are conducted through web-conferences over a time span of three weeks. The sessions are very interactive and offer the opportunity to set side by side delineations from participants and experts and discuss the interobserver variability and the available guidelines. The number of online workshops has gradually increased and in 2016, a full annual programme of ten workshops on different tumour sites (breast, prostate, gynaecology, head and neck, organs at risk, lymphoma, oesophagus, CNS, lung and paediatric oncology) was available for radiation oncology professionals worldwide to participate in.



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