 submission of information to the financial office (publication of docu- ments, reports)

 digitalization of financial statements (xBRL reporting)  submission of information to the statistical office 0 regular statistical reporting  automation of value added tax

0 the generation of tax returns and VAT statements from the account- ing software without the need for further modifications, submission of claims, confirmation of payment, request for refund of excessive deduc- tion, appeal against the decision  automation of corporate income tax 0 generation of tax claims from digital financial statements, submission of claims, payment, automation of advance obligations, overpayments, ap- peals against decisions  online appeal of the municipality against the decision of the office or court  online subsidy 0 application submission, tracking decision, result, contradiction of results  digital competencies of the office’s employees 0 online training of ICT skills paid for by the state  online establishment of the municipality’s contributory organizations or enterprises 0 company or business registration; name, registered office, entry in the public/trade register; registration: with the CSSA, with a health insurance company, with pension insurance, with payroll tax (with employees), with liability insurance for damage, with self-employed persons; to VAT  social security contributions for employees of offices and contributory organizations of established municipalities 0 online reporting of incapacity for work, automated calculation of bene- fits, reporting of accidents at work – sharing evidence  health insurance for employees of offices and contributory organiza- tions of established municipalities 0 automatic search for employees and their health insurance companies from the central register  online access to the registers of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs 0 online submission of an application for assignment of persons for com- munity service or community service for work in the municipality


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