8% 8% 2%

I prefer to handle things in person at the office. I’m concerned about the security of personal data.

I find its use complicated. Thirty-five percent (35%) of respondents are not aware of the Public Administration Portal . As far as the Citizen’s Portal is concerned, only 4% of

respondents identify themselves as regular users: 39% I’ve never visited it, and I don’t know what it is. 28% I’ve never visited it, but I know what it is. 12% I’ve visited it, but I don’t use it. 7% I’ve visited it and logged in at least once. 6%

I’ve visited it and logged in at least once, but I’ve never used the services that Citizen’s Portal provides.

4% 3%

I’ve visited and use Citizen’s Portal regularly.

I’ve visited it and tried to log in, but it didn’t work. Of those respondents who actively use the Citizen’s Portal , they praise the login method the most (90% of respondents), as well as its clarity and intuitiveness in handling (75% of respondents). However, respondents are not very satisfied with the fact that they have to purchase a reader to log in to the Citizen’s Portal. (55% of respondents are dissatisfied.) Among those who do not use the Citizen’s Portal, respondents state the fol- lowing reasons : 34% I have no means to log on  is the reason given by 36% of respondents in the age category 30 – 59 years 30% I don’t need the Citizen’s Portal  is the reason given by 42% of respondents in the age category 18 – 29 years 27% I don’t know how to gain access to the Citizen’s Portal  is the reason given by 30% of respondents in the age category 30 – 59 let 18% I’d rather handle the matter in person at the office  is the reason given by 24% of respondents in the age category 60+ 8% Other reason 7% I’m concerned about personal data security  is the reason given by 10% of respondents in the age category 60+ 2% I find the login complicated Now let us try to compare the answers that were common to general and Internet respondents:


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