0 generation of tax claims and VAT statements from the accounting soft- ware without the need for further modifications, submission of claims, confirmation of payment, request for refund of excessive deduction, ap- peal against the decision  automation property tax 0 generating tax claims from information sources (e.g. cadastral map of property), submission of claims, confirmation of payment, appeals against decisions  submission of information to the statistical office 0 automation from digital financial statements (e.g. regular statistical re- ports of type P3, P5 and P6)  submission of information to the financial administration 0 publication of documents and reports  subsidy programs online 0 application submission, tracking decision, result, disputing results  confirmation of managerial/specific qualification by the relevant office 0 verification of diploma / professional competence, etc.  social security contributions 0 online reporting of incapacity for work, automated calculation of bene- fits, reporting of work accidents – evidence sharing)  health insurance 0 automatic search for employees and their health insurance companies from the central register  distraint and repayment schedules for personal bankruptcy of employees 0 centralized online solution for foreclosures and other similar deductions from wages  digital competency of employees 0 free online training of ICT skills by the state  automated connection with the Labour Office 0 supply and demand  employment of foreign nationals (EU or third countries) 0 work permit online


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