Moving – registration of a new address; waste collection, including online no- tification of a new address to other institutions (financial office, school, doctor, post office); removing one’s self from the original local authority and public service providers 1 Vehicles – registration/cancellation/re-registration of the vehicle online, on- line registration of technical certificates of the vehicle; searching for vehicle details in the vehicle register; reporting of fines and misdemeanor proceed- ings; driver’s license and its renewal online; paying road tax online; technical inspection information; reporting a stolen vehicle 1 E-communication (transport and transport systems, road closure reporting, traffic accident reporting, bicycle transport) 1 Sustainable environment (online information on natural resources manage- ment, water, waste, green spaces) 1 Sustainable energy (online energy management, smart-grid systems, cogen- eration systems, boiler subsidies) 1 Online voting: to the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and for the presidential election 1 B Municipal administration online – simplification of city/municipality management Modernization of technical support for digitalization (modernization hard- ware, software) 1 2 3 4 Digital documents – e.g. invoice, receipt; income/expenditure documents are recorded in the form of a digitalized track entry in the system (not paper doc- uments, not PDF documents) 1 2 3 4 Records managements – digitalization of self-government, archiving, online post office 1 2 3 4 Submission of information to the financial administration (publication of deeds, reports) 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Submission of information to the statistical office (regular statistical reports) 1 Automation of value added tax – generation of tax claims and VAT state- ments from the accounting software without the need for further modifica- tions, submission of claims, confirmation of payment, request for refund of excessive deduction, appeal against the decision 1 Automation of corporate income tax – generation of tax claims from digital financial statements, submission of claims, payment, automation of advance obligations, overpayments, appeal against decision 1 Appeal of the city/municipality against the decision of the government of- fice or court online 1 Subsidy online – application submission, tracking decision, result, disputing results 1 Digital competency of employees of the office (municipality) – training of ICT skills paid for by the state 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Digitalization of financial reporting – e.g. xBRL reporting 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 4


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