Online establishment of contributory organizations or business of the city/ municipality (registration of a company or business: name, registered office, entry in the public register/trade register; registration: with the Czech Social Security Administration, with a health insurance company, for pension insur- ance, for payroll tax (for employees), for liability insurance, for self-employed, for VAT 1 Social security contributions of employees of offices and contributory or- ganizations established by the city/municipality ( online reporting of incapacity for work, automated calculation of benefits, reporting of work accidents – evidence sharing ) 1 Health insurance of employees of offices and contributory organizations es- tablished by the city/municipality (automatic search for employees and their health insurance companies from the central register) 1 Online access to the registers of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (online submission of an application for assignment of persons for community service or community service for work in the municipality/city) 1 C Do you think we have forgotten some of the important services that the state should dig- italize for citizens? Please indicate which: 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 2 3

Please provide us with the following identification information. They are impor- tant in terms of quality statistical processing of answers to this questionnaire

22) Region (please state which) …………… selection from the list of numbers ……… 23) Size of the municipality/city (measured by the number of citizens): a) under 1,000

b) 1,000 – 5,000 c) 5,000 – 20,000 d) 20,000 – 50,000 e) 50,000 – 100,000 f) above 100,000


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