10a) If you answered “Yes ”, please indicate which specific online servic- es offered by the state you use: 1. Application for state social support benefits (parental allow- ance, child allowance, maternity, funeral allowance, housing allowance) 2. Application for material need benefits (subsistence allowance, housing supplement, emergency immediate assistance) 3. Application for sickness benefit (maternity allowance, paterni- ty allowance, pregnancy and maternity allowance …) 4. Other, please specify: 10a) If you answered “Yes ”. What problems do you encounter when using online services when communicating with public administration authorities? (You can check more options.): 1. Logging in to the system (e.g. Citizen’s Portal) is difficult. 2. The offered services are confusing and complicated. (The web portal is not intuitive). 3. The services offered are not fully digitalized (A personal visit to the authorities or telephone communication with the authori- ties is still necessary.) 4. I don’t knowwhat to do on the portal (insufficient help from the portal). 5. I’m concerned about the security of personal data. 6. Forms are confusing. 7. Other problems (please specify what) ………………………………… 8. I don’t know how to use the services. 10b) If you answered “No ”, please indicate why you do not currently use government online services. (You can check more than one answer.): 1. I don’t have access to a computer. 2. I don’t have an Internet connection. 3. I don’t know how to work with a computer. (I lack the necessary IT skills.) 4. I prefer to handle the matter at the office. 5. I’m concerned about the security of personal data. 6. I perceive the online services offered by the state as inade- quate or poor quality. 7. I’m discouraged by other people’s negative experiences. 8. I don’t know the online services offered by the state. (I don’t know about them.) 9. I don’t know how to use it. 10. I haven’t needed to deal with anything like that yet, but I’s like to use online services in the future.


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