6) Is the digitalization of your company ensured by a specialized team of ex- perts? a) Yes b) No 7) How do you implement or plan to implement digitalization in your company? (You can select more options.) a) We develop (we will develop) our own solution. b) We use (will use) the solution taken over from the parent company. c) We are looking for (we will be looking for) professional help in digitali- zation. d) We use (use) outsourcing (we fully transfer digitalization to a third party). e) Other way (please specify): ……………… ……………………… 8) What is holding back your digitalization efforts? / What problems do you en- counter in your digitalization efforts? (You can mark more than one answer.) a) Lack of funds b) Insufficiently digitalized business partners (suppliers/customers) c) Lack of qualified ICT experts or insufficient ICT knowledge and skills of employees d) We do not know how or what to digitize – there is a lack of assis- tance and support from the state e) Other (please specify what): ……………… ……………………… 9) In what ways could the state help you mitigate the financial impact of digi- talization? (You can select more options.) a) Deductions from the income tax base or other tax incentives b) Subsidy programs for digitalization c) Free consultancy services guaranteed by the state d) Other instruments (please specify what): ……………… ……………………… 10) Which areas in the company are you digitalizing, or have you already suc- cessfully digitalized them? (You can select more options.) a) Verification of the identity of suppliers/customers and digitalization of invoices (not an invoice in PDF format, but as a digital footprint in the system) b) Financial reporting c) HR administration (holidays, business trips) d) Budgeting (monitoring and control of budget implementation) e) Controlling f) Costing g) Supply system h) Logistics


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