Program Book

tivity is extremely challenging, Here, we present the SURFE2R technology – an easy-to-handle, highly sensitive and very efficient screening platform for direct measurements of ion transporters and ion channels in diverse and heterologous membranes. Since 2012, Nanion offers the SURFE2R product line in two formats: SURFE2R N1 and the higher throughput platform SURFE2R N96. The SURFE2R N1 which we will present at the workshop is a small footprint, fully automated device recording from membrane preparations, with proven success using native tissue, mammalian and insect cell lines, bacteria, organelles, and proteoliposomes. Come to our workshop and learn from LIVE-experiments how to make measurements of transporter- protein functionality efficient and reliable! Presenters: Andrea Brüggemann, CSO, Nanion Technologies Maria Barthmes, Nanion Technologies This question-and-answer luncheon, sponsored by the Committee for Professional Opportunities for Women, is designed for postdocs finishing and actively applying for academic faculty positions. New faculty and re- cently tenured faculty in basic science and/or medical school departments will lead the discussion as well as experienced senior-level faculty who have served as department chairs and/or part of faculty search committees. Topics for discussion include how to prepare the curriculum vitae, the in- terview process, how to negotiate the job offer, and advice for new faculty as they balance research with their department obligations. Pre-registration was required for lunch. If you are interested in attending and did not register in advance, you are welcome to participate in the discussion on a space-available basis. Speakers: Elizabeth Villa, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry 12:00 pm –2:00 pm , R oom 124/125 Postdoc to Faculty Q&A: Transitions Forum and Luncheon

1:00 pm –2:30 pm , R oom 123 Exhibitor Presentation Molecular Devices, LLC Axon Electrophysiology Symposium: Getting the Most out of pCLAMP Software pCLAMP™ is a powerful data acquisition and analysis software and is widely used for a variety of electrophysiological recordings. In the first tutorial of this workshop, Jeffrey Tang will highlight a few features used to create a customized acquisition protocol in Clampex. In the second tuto- rial, Burt Maertz will share tips in single-channel analysis using Clampfit. These include burst analysis, latency analysis and P(open) analysis. Presenters: Jeffrey Tang, Product Marketing Manager, Axon Conventional Electrophysiology, Molecular Devices, LLC Burt Maertz, Technical Support Specialist, Axon Conventional Electrophysiology, Molecular Devices, LLC 1:30 pm –2:30 pm , R oom 304 Science and Policy with Steven Chu Steven Chu, former US Secretary of Energy, has returned to academia and Stanford University. During this session he will discuss his current research and biophysics research in general, and also reflect on science policy in the United States. 1:45 pm –3:00 pm , H all D Snack Break 1:45 pm –3:45 pm , H all D Poster Presentations and Late Posters (For a complete listing of regular Tuesday Poster Presentations, see page 129.) The list of Tuesday Late Posters is in the Program addendum. Posters will be on display all day long. Authors with odd-numbered boards will present from 1:45 pm–2:45 pm, and those with even-numbered boards will present from 2:45 pm–3:45 pm. Additional hours (day or evening) may be posted by the authors as desired. Paper may also be left on the board so that visitors may request an appointment. Posters should be mounted at 6:00 pm on Monday and removed NO LATER THAN 4:30 pm on Tuesday evening. Posters will be on view until 10:00 pm the night before presentation. Poster numbers shown refer to the program order of abstracts as they appear in the online Abstracts Issue. Board numbers indicate where boards are located in the Exhibit Hall. 2:15 pm –3:30 pm , R oom 301 The Basics, the Discoveries, and the Controversies: Membrane Protein Structure and Dynamics Attendees at this session will learn about super resolution microscopy techniques for studying membrane proteins and macromolecular com- plexes in cells, and the type of information this technique can provide a researcher. This session is sponsored by the Education Committee and is intended to introduce the most important ideas, breakthroughs, and outstanding questions of a specific field of Biophysics to help those that do not work directly in that area gain a perspective on what is known and what is unknown. Speaker: Bo Huang, University of California, San Francisco The Science of Counting: a Super-Resolution View of Membrane Protein Dimerization

Sarah Bondos, Texas A&M Health Science Gabriel Lander, The Scripps Research Institute David Rueda, Imperial College London Catherine Royer, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute

12:30 pm –2:00 pm , R oom 310 Career Opportunities at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions: Finding a Job and Finding Success

This session, sponsored by the Education Committee, provides graduate students, postdocs, and current faculty with information and resources on career options at PUIs. Speakers are faculty members at PUIs who have been successful in their positions. Moderator: Scott Feller, Wabash College Speakers: Julia Koeppe, Ursinus College Paulo Almeida, University of North Carolina, Wilmington Edwin Li, Saint Joseph’s University 1:00 pm –2:00 pm , R oom 302 Networking with Minority Biophysicists: Resources and Opportunities This networking event, sponsored by the Minority Affairs Committee, provides minority students and scientists the opportunity to network and discuss challenges and resources with other minority biophysicists. Speaker: Kamal Shukla, NSF, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Parag Chitnis, NSF


Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

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