
OMA 2015.13: Collaborative Study Protocol Expert Review Panel Use Only September, 2017

2.7.4. Record results from the plates with 25-250 colonies and report average results in colony forming units (CFU) per mL/gram. NOTE – If there are two dilutions within the countable range, use the following calculation to determine the final count: N = Σ C/(1.1* d ) N = number of colonies per mL/g of product Σ C = sum of all colonies on both plates d =dilution from which first counts were obtained Final Results All results are to be recorded on the data sheets provided. Immediately upon completion of each food type, the data sheet should be faxed or emailed to co-Study Director Patrick Bird at: (513)-471-5600 or pbird@qlaboratories.com .

AOAC Research Institute Expert Review Panel Use Only

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