
What Shapes Values?

The technician ability to execute and exceed expectations, the ability to know or understand the Who, What, When, Magee The culture shapes values and values shape culture; it is the individual life DNA of the key stakeholders, influencers and participants that shape values.Think of values as the architectural blueprint of any entity. We learn these from experience, integrity, environment, challenging and expanding our IQ and EQ, and life evolving 24/7. Where, Why and How of functionality is the skill acumen. Skill must be sequentially and psychologically choreographed so fundamental knowledge serves as the building blocks for later knowledge (skill) and experiences (honing of the skill), to build a legacy of a leader. Skill does not just come with a book or age, but from the actual doing and achieving!

Leadership is a learned skill. Leaders are not born as leaders. Conductors study music and how to empower choirs and Ballou Values are haped by the par icipants from their c mm n interests, bel efs, and

orchestras to fulfill the vision but making the written music come alive. Leaders are born with potential to influence others and then learn the skills to apply that talent of influence. Leadership is also a system where every person is a skilled leader and understands their role and responsibility as related to the overall strategy and organizational objectives. foundational standards.They are developed by utilizi g the best thinking skills in a group p ocess and not through “group think” subverti g individual thinking by group pressure. One value could be to avoid group think.The musical conductor shape the overall musical performance; howev r, the conductor cannot compromise the individual ifts of each mus cian.

How do Others Play a Role in Our Values?

Is the fabric by which individuals and organizations thrive and die. IT serves as Magee They edify your belief system, erod corrode your belief

Ballou In music, an orchestra or choir develops what is

the fabric by which all internal and external forces recognize and understand what actions, behaviors, deliverables, and expectations are within bounds and are out-of-bounds.This drives the heart and soul of an organization, and reveals the longevity relevance for today and tomorrow. system, or they serve to ch lle ge, enhance and elevate your beli f , ll of which influence alues. Values serve to shine light on the reality of your situation and future. Ro ald Regan onc said, “As hire As, d Bs hire Cs”, so th people one keeps court with definitely play a role.

called ensemble through developing a higher standard through the alignment of values. Each participant owns their own part in that journey to higher functioning without giving up their individual skill.The value of ensemble is similar to the synergy of a high-functioning team – it’s a higher standard of performance achieved through commonly embraced values.

How do Values Affect Organizations?

If the orchestra does not like the conductor, they play just as directed. If the orchestra likes the Ballou The organization is affected by the lack of values of the

The commonality to bind people together and the diversity to excite them to Magee Ditto! The organization is affected by the

conductor, they play and the conductor intends. Leadership is basically influence.The choice is to influence positively or negatively. Management of self by managing emotions and actions builds respected relationships or destroys the synergy needed to get things done in a practical and efficient way. leadership.The effect of no defined values on an organization is lack of clarity, creating low member engagement.The leader affects an organization by exercising strong adherence to values with their conduct and decisions, the effect of leaders anchored in and practicing use of values in all functions.The musical conductor has an effect on the passion of the performance with their knowledge of the music, musical skill, and personal influence – not by power of position.

understand, appreciate and want to be within others orbits. The relationship has positives and negatives but always gives people cause to stay versus leave. It takes constant work and nutriment and celebrations. But it must always be a two way street of give and take, balance. lack of values of the leadership.The effect of no defined values on an organization is lack of clarity, creating low member engagement.The leader affects an organization by exercising strong adherence to values with their conduct and decisions, the effect of leaders anchored in and practicing use of values in all functions.The musical conductor has an effect on the passion of the performance with their knowledge of the music, musical skill, and personal influence – not by power of position.

How do Wrong Values Impact Individual and Organizational Effectiveness/Relevance?

Ballou Common traps include ignoring values of honoring donations, creating distrust from those who could support the organization financially. Lack of careful, transparent accounting in use of funds creates a negative response from potential donors, supporters, and board.

Magee Powerful question and point! If you want to derail success and legacy fast, have unsound values and watch your trajectory go right off the cliff.This is critical, as many organizations and people today are in this tragic derailment trajectory, by only fixating on the immediate time window with complete reckless disregard for the future! Anyone can be a manager and few can attain an effective leadership effectiveness, both assume certain skill sets and understandings, Magee Values are the internal critical psychological shaping drivers to what you tolerate, condone, believe and resist, and the influencers to your trajectory on an immediate level, intermediate perspective, and the long-term goals and expectations you may hold, drive, and judge by.

So What are Values?

Comments? Please submit comments to and are sta dards for the functioning of those leading the organization. Core Values are the anchor for developing Guiding Principles to establish standards for decision making, problem solving, and service. Leaders are people who: • Get things done • Know how things get done • Influence others Ballou Core Values are the foundational concepts that define the identity of an organization

but leaders survive time!

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