Regents Review Summer 2019

The Regents Review Summer 2019


Year 11

WOW! Year 11 have flown through their exams with pride and although there was a lot of challenges we hope they have done well and feel as though they pushed themselves enough to reach their potential. We have had wonderful feedback from colleges after their transition days and we are really proud of our team. As promised, this newsletter element will be all about saying goodbye to Year 11. On the 19th June we had our leavers assembly - lots of incredible moments throughout this, singers, certificates and competition winners - students behaved impeccably and wrote a lot of thank you cards to their teachers and staff who have supported them throughout their time here.

We reintroduced our goodbye video with a spoof of ‘This Is Me’ and students thoroughly enjoyed laughing at our expense!! Thank you to all staff who got involved with the video and a special thank you to Mrs Ballard for creating it. On the 27th June we had our annual Year 11 prom at Rhinefield House and what an evening it was! With the beautiful weather and stunning backdrop, we had a fantastic evening of food, dancing and laughter. Students arrived in style - bikes, limos, Range Rovers and old classic cars. We then moved onto the back lawn to have photos beside the beautiful lake and then enjoyed dinner in the grounds. Students had a competition for Prom King and Queen as well as a raffle to win some wireless headphones.

There were photobooths and photographers on standby to get the best shot, and personalised cupcakes and sweets for the students. Students were well behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. I would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents for their support at prom. It was fabulous to see so many friends and family at the event to watch and celebrate with us. Alongside the money raised for prom, we also raised money for charity and we have given that money to the Daisy Garland Foundation. For the final time, I hope you have a happy and safe summer. We look forward to seeing you on 22nd August at 10:30am.


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