2017_SBRT_Course Book

ICRU 91 2017: reporting

PTV median absorbed dose, D50%

• Dnear-max (and near-min) For PTV larger than or equal to 2 cm 3 , the volume nearmax represents 2 % of the PTV, as recommended in ICRU Report 83 (D2%). For PTV V of less than 2 cm 3 , near-max is an absolute volume of 35mm 3 , in which case D 35mm 3 is reported.

3.3 mm

3.3 mm

Both CTV and PTV DVH

3.3 mm

• No recommendation for Dv for prescription (e.g. 95% or 98%) • OAR near min and max, and recommend to report always 2 levels. If it is not clearly a parallel or serial structure than 3 levels should be reported • Paddick CI, also to GTV • For brain, also Dose gradient GI may be considered = PIVhalf/PIV

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