Trafika Europe 3 - Latvian Sojourn

Lilias Trotter

(born in London, 1853–1928)

Lilias, Lilias, as she smiled even the roots of her teeth turned seven colors and her purplish heart made her walk barefoot among gardens observing that all exists through a certain spectre when she picked up free-hand the laws of lines, colours and shapes incising golden cuts on the canvas’ wrists when in Venice she met a great painter John Ruskin intoxicated on her genius (having observed it) so one day he took his best brush and offered it over her name – Lilias you are a long-haired dame of paintings princess of lines and the color of your time no matter how restless no matter how hungry, she kept on walking bare-headed through alleys and gardens only to stumble on a colorless, thorny crown, eternal helmet of salvation,


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