JCPSLP vol 14 no 3 2012

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Christine Taylor is a lecturer and private practitioner with Cortex Communication Partners and has over 19 years clinical experience. Vanessa Aird is a lecturer and private practitioner with Cortex Communication Partners and has over 17 years clinical experience. Dr Emma Power is a lecturer in neurogenic communication disorders at the University of Sydney. Emma Davies and Claire Madelaine are practising speech pathologists and contributed to this study as University of Sydney undergraduate students. Audrey McCarry is a practising speech pathologist in the Brain Injury Unit at the Royal Rehabilitation Centre in Sydney. Associate Professor Kirrie Ballard is head of discipline in speech pathology at the University of Sydney. Yumoto, E., & Gould, W. J. (1982). Harmonics-to-noise ratio as an index of the degree of hoarseness. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 71 (6), 1544–1550. Zyski, B. J., & Weisiger, B. E. (1987). Identification of dysarthria types based on perceptual analysis. Journal of Communication Disorders , 20 , 367–378. Maryn, Y., Corthals, P., De Bodt, M., Van Cauwenberge, P., & Deliyski, D. (2009). Perturbation measures of voice: A comparative study between Multi-Dimensional Voice Program and Praat. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica , 61 (4), 217–226. Murdoch, B. (2011). Physiological investigation of dysarthria: Recent advances. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 13 , 28 – 35. Tauroza, S., & Allison, D. (1990). Speech rates in British English. Applied Linguistics , 11 , 90–105. Thompson-Ward, E. C., & Theodoros, D. G. (1998). Acoustic analysis of dysarthric speech. In B. E. Murdoch (Ed.), Dysarthria: A physiological approach to assessment and treatment (pp. 102–129). Cheltenham, England: Stanley Thornes. Vergis, M., & Ballard, K. J. (2012). Quantitative measurement of lexical stress in adults with aphasia with/ without apraxia of speech . Unpublished Honours Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia. Wang, Y., Kent, R. D., Duffy, J. R., Thomas, J. E., & Weismer, G. (2004). Alternating motion rate as an index of speech motor disorder in traumatic brain injury. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics , 18 (1): 57–84. World Health Organization (WHO). (2001). International classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) . Geneva: Author. Yorkston, K. M., Beukelman, D. R., & Traynor, C. (1984). Assessment of intelligibility of dysarthric speech . Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

Correspondence to: Christine Taylor Lecturer/Clinical Specialist

Masters of Speech, Language Pathology Program Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Linguistics Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia phone: +61 (0) 400 601 712 email:


JCPSLP Volume 14, Number 3 2012

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