News Scrapbook 1981-1982




SEP ll




'Update' breakfast seminars will he offered Praise: Does a Pat on tile Back Really Help," Cynthia Pavett, Ph.D., associate pro- fessor of organizational behavior. lng Education twice a year to give b iness per ons an

Founders Gallery James Rocha: Recent Work will be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri. and Wednesdays to 9 p.m.• University of San


economics. 15 •·Terminating Tactful- ly," Gary Whitney, Ph.D., professor of management. 22 "Theory Z ... A Prac- tical Approach to Productive Management," N. Ellen Cook, Ph.D., associate pro- fessor of accounting. 29 "What to Expect in the Coming Economy and How to Deal With It," Charles Holt, Ph.D., associate pro- fessor of econonucs. Nov. 5 "Productivity and


~?Jfbeeman,bwlessedho'snot particularly

religious herself. "I only

before I started



opportunity to interact with each other and with USD faculty members. The schedule for Poway seminars is: Oct. 1 "Job Burn-Out· Symptoms, Causes and Cures," Phillip Hunsaker, D.B.A., professor of manal!:ement. 8 "Keeping Productivity Up," Robert JohnSon, Ph.D., associate profe sor of

12 •·sexual Harassment is Not a Laughing Matter," Johanna Hunsaker, Ph.D., assistant professor of management. 19 "ls Incorporation for You? The Pros and Cons," Wayne Label, Ph.D., associate professor of ac- counting.

·. tr ' EVENING TRIBUNE SEP 9 1 ~"" l \ tt N 'f O.C.~ U ,-.J


Black and white will continue its unprecedented au- tumn domination agam Sept. 30 at the fashion show to be given at the Hilton Hotel by University of San Diego's auxiliary. Mrs. Alison Tibbitts, decor chairman, will de- velop the show's "High Society" theme with top hat verve in table decorations. Such an approach recognizes autumn's urbane accent on tuxedo dressing for women. The trend is well estab- lish d by tuxedo jackets and dresseS' with black satin lapel and racy black patent leather tuxedo pumps ac- cented with fun ornamentation (feathers, pompoms and satin bows).

J:nso~~;~ ~~J;_-

COMPUTERS/ A th ee-d ~:~ram i~being offered at ~he J~::~f~t:;

rSe1day. Classes are 4 to 7 p.m. Sept 10 9 a m pt. 11, and 9 a m to 6 · ' · ·

to 6mnmg


Registration is $75. For more titf~nnatio:.-~n




EVENING TRIBUNE ~ ..... SEP 9 1:;d2 \-t~)eL 1"0UJ . "High Society" is the theme for still another asli- 10~ show ?~ th; calendar, the University of San Diego Aux1hary s 26th annual show Sept. 30 at the Hilton Hotel on Mis ion Bay. Proceeds from the lunch~n a~d show will go Co the student aid fund of th university. Mrs. William ~~ard how chairman and Mrs. Eilwa rd T Keatmg 1~ takmg reservations. The fash- ions will be from Robinson's.

~Ell. N\Ol'~II'\ f".J

SEP 1 0 1982

~-- .. It's a daily double on Sept. 20 at USD· speech~s by Gov. Jerry Brow~ an~ BaJa Gov. Roberto de la Ma- drid. , The news is backstage: ther~ s progress toward a U.S.- Mexico Law Institute under the banner of the USO law school. -

How . tllclful\y will bll on of th aubiecu o\lered at thl' Univer ity of San iego' • expanded "UPDATE" hr •akl t emin r at thr •e parate loc ti n on Oct. 1 from 7:~0 _to 9 1 m '1' •rminating Tactfully will be P~ . · nted at the We tgat Hotel, ~Job Burn-Out" will be explored ~t th St.oneridg Country.. Cl~b m Poway• nd "Th lOry_ z will be expl ined t La Jolla Villag Inn. ... . . to terminate


SEP 1 4 198Z

Ij1ZEL crow TRIBUNt sor,nv mtT l"\0





7 1982 'Update' brea fast seminars will he offered "Update" is presented by opportunity to interact with USD's School of Business each other and with USD Administration and Continu- faculty members. Oct. 1 "Job Burn-Out: StoneRidge Country Club. Each seminar includes a continental breakfast, Symptoms, Causes and Cures," Phillip Hunsaker, D.B.A., professor of management.

Casa d' Alca~a, th~ home of Dr. Author E. Hughes, presi- dent of !he Uruvers1ty of San Diego, and Mrs. Hughes was the setting tod~y- for the annual membership tea of the uruvers1ty's aux11tary. Mrs. Frank Alessio and Mrs. Joseph Cutri planned the event. Dr. Hughes spoke on the status of the university and its progr:ams and Mrs. William Edwards made a special pres- entation regarding the auxiliary's forthcoming fashion sh_ow to benefit the student aid fund. The luncheon show will be Sept. 30 at the San Diego Hilton Hotel.

to Deal With It," Charles Holt, Ph.D., associate pro- fessor of economics. Nov. 5 "Prorl 1 1ctivity and Praise: Does a Pat on the Back Really Help," Cynthia Pavett, Ph.D., associate pr

The University of San Diego's expanded "Update" breakfast ·eminar series begins its ninth series on Oct. 1. It will be held for the first time in Poway at

presentation and materials. For information, fees and reservations, call 293-4585.

The schedule for Poway

ing Education twice a year to give business persons an

8 "Keeping Productivity Up," Robert JohnSon, Ph.D., associate professor of economics. 15 "Terminating Tactful- ly," Gary Whitney, Ph.D., professor of management. 22 "Theory Z . . . A Prac- tical Approach to Productive Management," N. Ellen Cook, Ph.D., associate pr

The local football game this week pits the University of San Diego Toreros against Claremont-Mudd at the USO Sports Complex Sat., Se.!'ti 18, at 7:30 p.m. TUNED IN -p ./ p/! SEP 1 1 1982

BLADE TRIBUNE S[P 8 1982 ~ashion Show ! Is Benefit ..... {;; SAN DIEGO - The 26th Annual USD Auxiliary Fashion Show will be held Sept. 30 at the San Diego Hilton Social hour will be 1 a.m. to noon, poolside, followed immediately by the luncheon and fashion presentations by Rob· n's. 'l'he USD Auxiliary Fashion prooentation- luncheon is an annual sell- out. This year· theme, ' High Society," will feature t,igh fashion of fall 1982. Proceeds from this annual event assist the financial aid program for USD students. Indi\lidual tickets are $25 and table reservations of 10

SAN DIEGO UNION I'"' r.:I SEP 11 198t . j! USO Opens '82 Season At Redlands The University of San Diego will open its 1982 football season tonight and the Toreros are faced with at least one major question. What can they do for an encore? USD was one of the more surprising teams in small college football last year. It finished 9-1. Its only loss was to St. Mary's in the first round of the NCAA's Divi- sion Ill playoffs. The proverbial next year was last year at USD, but the Toreros are optimisti~ as they await tonight's 7:30 opener at Redlands.


Former Falcons ~-- with USD spikerf The USD Toreras open their volleyball season against four of Southern Cal's strongest teams Pepperdine, San Diego State Universify, cai State Long Beach, and Cal Poly Pomona. . Coach John artm is looking forward to improv- ing the team' record over last year's. "After coming off an excellent spring and strong sum- mer camp, l feel the girls have a positive and enthusia tic attitude. Combining this with. the new confidence and overall improvements of the younger players, we are certain to have a strong season," said Martin. The 1982 Toreras' first season as an NCAA Di- vision l competitor will be led by returning senior Liz Edwards and Kathy Lehner also a s~nior. With a year of experience behind junior L!sa Maner and sophomores Kim Crawford, Mar- cia McEver , Michele Rehrig and Torrey Pines graduate Cindy Wheat will form the core of the squad. Lori Robarge, the South Coast Conference MVP and the Cerritos College Woman Athlete of the Year has joined the USO team. Another new athlete is junior Cindy Hall from Santa Monica City College. The only freshman is Ellen Sibler a San Diego CIF player from Torrey Pines. '


ashion Brmgs In Bucks The Country Friends have decided on four beneficiaries of their Tuesday "Appearance of Autumn" fashion show. They expect to raise around $36,000, which will be divided among Children in Need (which provides eyeglasses, shoes, clothing), Girls Clubs, Big Sister League, Boys and Girls Clubs (for girls' projects). Designer Adele Simpson will be here for the big, big gathering on the lawn of the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe - 1,750 people. The Junior League and guests will view fashions from Robinson's from 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 16 in the store. Some league members and husbands will model clothes by Georgio Annani. Albert Capraro, Calvin Klein and sever- al others. Carriage Trade will serve champagne and des- serts. The money raised will be used in the continuing restoration of the new Junior µague headquarters at 210 Maple St. Robinson's is providing the fashions, too, for the 26th annual University of San Diego Auitiliary luncheon fash- ion show. That will be Sept. 30 at the San Diego Hilton. Patty Edwards is chairwoman; her husband is general manager of the Hilton (You can just bet the service will be outstanding.) The event begins poolside with an 11 a.m. social hour. Proceeds go to the financial aid program for USD students. Tickets are $25; for reservations, call USD. Robinson's yet again' They'll also be the source for the clothes for The Bishop's Sebools show Oct. 15 on campus - it's the 26th annual such event for them, too. The schools may be in La Jolla, but this year they're celebrat- ing San Diego. The approach is timely, because within two years, all 500 students will probably be residents of San Diego County because the boarding facility will be






persons per table are now available. For more information. contact the University of San Diego at 291-6480. ext. 4271.


James Rocha- Wo k b J · . . r 5 Y ames R')Ch~, in acryl- •~• ~ncll, pastel and paper colle, are on exh1bn in t e ounders Gallery at Universit) of San Diego thru _Se~'.- 7. Mon.-Fri. 9-4... 'Edward S Curtis: I he. Indian Venus, 50 gold-toned photo: graphs by pioneer Western photographer Edward ~~e;ir Curtis ( I86_8-I 952), are on aisplay Sept. ru Oct. 21 Ill USD's Founder G· 11 I Weekda a cry• ys 12-5 except Wed. 12-9. Founders Hall USO. 291 -6480. '

Eric Sweet, who shared • time with Steve Loomis a year ago, will be the San Diego quarterback. He com- pleted 49 percent of his passes for 1,022 yards and eight touchdowns last sea- son. The team's top ball car- rier figures to be Bill Fac- kler, who rushed for 600 yards. U~D will make its first appearanct> m Alcala Park next Saturday night against Claremont-Mudd.


EP 1 7 198l

San Diego, Thur ds


phased out by 1983. Models in the fashion show will be H s;[~f>;1J l)i1;98~2;,~~~::.::~=-....----;:;....;;..;:;,:;~------=-===JJs~tu~d~e~nts~a1~1d~Sa~n~Di~·~eg=a=nswho have made significant con- tributions to this city n Diego Notepad


SEP 1 8 1982


7 n 1 against Redlands 1

Tuesday through Oct. 2 1

Founders Gallery: "Edward 8 C . Venus," an exhibition drawn fro~ Cu~;:~~: The Indian of American Indians, on display at the Uni photographs Diego's Founde!s Gallery. Phone: 291-64;~~stty of San

Toreros 0

The Univer_sity of San Diego opens its 1982 foot- ~:I_I sea~n tomght when the Toreros travel to the ,umvers1ty of Redlands. hUSD su_~rised ·a lot of football watchers last year w en it flDISlied 9-1. It was supposed to have been an off year, but the Toreros lost only to St. Mary's m the first round of the NCAA's D' . . m playoffs. 1v1S1on iJt~:;t:f r:1 to be the year. So their on the HEric Sweet starts at quarterback for the Toreros e completed ,49 percent of his passes last year fo~ 1,022 yarM m Alcala Park next Saturday agaJnst Clare t- udd.

Sunday, September 12, 1982 H-5 Smif h -Led Toreros Roll Over Redlands 31-0 Specjol ,. TIie San Diego UMn ed . REDL rr ~n a ~e-yard run and Thomas Woodward closed . ANDS - Led by fullback Jimmy Smith th u • e scormg with a three-yard sweep. versity of San Diego gained 237 yards rushing iast nig~~ ~SD, 9:1 a year ago, led only 7-0 at the half on a second- en route to a season-opening 31-0 · to period eight d f sity of Redlands. v1c ry over the Univer- Micha~! R' -yar_ pass ron:i quarterback Eric Sweet to S the th· d 1Sh. Mike LoZZI kicked a 41-yard field goal in• . mith gained 116 yards 00 23 carries and scored the Ir quarter. ~rs~ of three fourth-quarter Torero touchdowns that Jherome McAJpin backed Smith with 63 yards on 11 ro e open a 10-0 game. rus es. Sweet completed seven of 18 f After Smith scored from the four, Billy Hamilton . {!SD had 318 total yards to RedlanJ~ :1 ~rdst. - ........--~~---- ---------~-1 -=ns=i=de::_=th:_-:e USO 10 only once. · OS go THE SAN DIEGO UNION

. "High Society" i the theme for

ot er ash-


ton how on the calendar, the Umversity of San D1 go Auxi11ary's 26th annual show Sept. 30 at the Halton Hotel on Mission Bay. Proceeds from the lunch on and show will go to the student aid fund of I niver ity. Mr . WilliHm F..dward i show chairman and Mrs Edward T. Keating i taking reservations. The fash- ion will be from Robinson'

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