News Scrapbook 1981-1982



SEP 2 3 1962

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Three busy days tor Univ. of S.D. -,AN DIEGO - The period from last Fri,lay through Monday was a busy one for the University of San Diego . Friday m<, rning aw the dedication and blessing by Bishop Maher of Guadalupe Hall on th, USD campus, which will house ar ad emi c classrooms and offices, g-raduate campus mmistry, and a new U.S. Navy ROTC program. The blessing of G11adalupe Hall was highlighted by the unveiling of a statue of · Our Lady of Guadalupe by sculptress Andrea Hoffman. The statue stands in front of the new building on Marian Way . Joining the bishop in the ceremonies were Father Laurence Dolan, USD chaplain, and USO president Dr. Author Hughes. OVER THE weekend the USO Law School took part in the United States- Mexico Border Governor's Conference, held in Tijuana; the four governors from states along the U.S. side of the border and six of their counterparts from Mexico were in attendance, and they were joino:d Sunday evening by Mexican president Jose Lopez-Portillo. The governors came to USO Monday for a working luncheon . During his invocation, Bishop Maher, with Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and Dean Sheldon Kranz of the USO Law School standing next to him, reminded the delegates that "violence destroys what it claims to defend. " Dr. Author Hughes, USD president, told the delegates that borders "serve nations, governments, and the more complex social structures. They do not serve the individual human life." DR. HUGHES then announced plans for the establishment of a joint Mexico United States Law Institute by the USD Law School to foster a mutual understanding by each country of the other's legal system , to undertake research with an eye to reducing "un- necessary legal barriers" between both countries, and to stimulate the exchange of faculty and students between the two; USD, he noted, already has a summer program for law students in Guadalajara.


111 repare to send·out Invitations for 1 :fi,1:, 8 tty Edwards, All Hallows parish;

INVITATIONS - Members 01 rJ:1e /h•lr Sept. 30 fashion show

ey are. ·Malone and Mary Lightsey, both of - Eleanor Rlppo, Our Lady of th e ~o~ery, Fl~r~~~a The Ylmmaculata; Zits Sul/Ivan, 1. Charles Borromeo parish: dsrAge e ~itzglbbon Johnson, Mary, Star of the Sea mmaculate Conception parish, an nn ~u'So Auxiliary sets Sept. benefit

Pbotot by Du.con Jaaa St,riabe:rs Author Hughes waited (center photo) for the arr/val of Ba/a Callfornia Gov. Roberto de la Madrid and Callfornla Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. (right photo) before s working luncheon began. Dr. Hughes later announced that USO w/1/ establlsh a Mexico-United States Law Institute to help each country better understand Jhe other's legal system.

USO HOSTS - The University of San Diego hosted four U.S. governors and six of their Mexican counterparts Monday as part of the Third Bl-national Border Governors' Conference. Bishop Maher, chairman of the USO board of trustees, and Father Robert Callahan, a board member, greeted the delegates (left photo). Bishop Maher and USO president Or.

$25 , and table reservations ?f 10 are also available. Further mforrnat1on is available by calling USD at 291-6480,

SA DIEGO _ The 26th a~~ual of San Diego Aux1hary i,· . h1on Show will be h Id _Sept , _30 at the an Diego Hilton, be inmn with~ 11 a.m So(IIU hour follow d by a noon-ume lun heon and fruhiun show pre nted by Univer ity

ext. 4271.

THE AUXILIARY is an all-volunteer fund-raising group at USD, and m~y ?f






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SAN DI EGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO UNION S[P 2 8 l98Z Aux ii iary Show The University of San Diego AuxiJiary's 26th an- ~ual fashion •;how, entitled High Society Fashion," will be held Sept. 30 ac the S~n Diego Hilton. The event will _feature ck,hing from Robinson s Department Store a dance troupe per- formance and prizes.

The Son Dieoo Union

RAINY DEDICATIO : University of San Diego President Author Hughes, left, and Bishop Leo T. Maher, under umbrella, are among officials at the dedica ion of the school's newest facility, Guadalupe Hall. The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, by sculptor Andrea Hoffman, was blessed during yesterday's ceremony. The 9,600- square-foot building will house numerous offices.




SEP 2 2 1982


DENNIS CLAUSEN, associate professor of English and director of the writing program at IJSD, will autograph copies of his best-selling novel ·'Ghost Lover" Saturday from 1 to 6 p.m. at " Ground for Murder," a bookstore specializing in mysteries, gothics and espionage novels. The bookstore is located in the Old Town Mercado, 2707 Congress St. "Ghost Lover," Clausen's first novel, was published by Bantam Books earlier this year and soon hit the best-seller lists in California. It is one of Bantam's nominees for the 1983 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, the highest national honor in the area of mystery fiction.







USD building open for business

SEP 1 8 198t

The University of San Diego dedicated its newest facility, Guada- lupe Hall, in ceremonies last week. Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the university's board of trustees, officiated the dedication as well as the blessing of the recently created statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the work of sculptor Andrea Hoffman. Situated between the school of law building and Serra Hall, Guada- lupe Hall is an extension of the building that houses the campus bookstore and post off- ice. The new hall com- prises a conference room, office of the min- istry for graduate schools, faculty offices

for the phychology de- partment, headquarters of the centers for crim- inal justice policy and management and public interest law, adminis- trative offices and nav- igation laboratory for the new ROTC program and offices for members of the university relat- ions support staff. The 9,600-square-foot building, mandated by the university's press- ing need for additional space, was built under a "fast-track" design by Dunphy Construction Company. This method of design allowed Dun- phy crews to begin the initial construction work before the final building design was ap- proved. "Dunphy was able to

condense a normal 12- month construction per- iod into six months," said president Author Hughes, "so the build· ing would be ready for the fall semester.'' Invocation at the ded- ication ceremonies was

delivered by Rev. Lau- rence Dolan, USD Chap- lain. USD faculty, ad- ministration, and stu- dents as well as a num- ber of USO board of trustee members att- ended the event. A tour of the new facilities fol- lowed the dedication.

Saturday, September 18, 1982

RELIGION BRIEFS USD Offers Inter-Faith Seminars On· Women, Issues ii/ SAN DIEGO

~LIPPING SERVICE !}f LA JOLLA LIGHT SEI' t 6 1982 Fashions will be on view


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The 26th annual University of San Diego fashion show - this year themed "High Society," - will be attended by several La Jollans, according to Pat Keating, reservations chairman. The show, featuring fashions from Robinson's, is Sept. 30 at the San Diego Hilton Hotel. Among La Jollans who have reserved seats are Fran Steber, Bonnie Coggan, Claire Tavares, Elsie Johnson, Melanie Riley,

Sara Finn, Kay Barber, Judy Keelin, Mary Jo White, Jane Sexton, Mary King, Coleen Donovan, Val Frager, Toni Tommey, Tina Jacobson and Betty Bass. Reservations, limited to 730, are being accepted at USO, 291-6480, ex. 4271. Patrons' tables of IO also are available. Tickets are $25 and proceeds from the event will go toward the student aid program at USO.

Author To Appear Dennis Clausen, author of the "Ghost Lover," and di- rector of the University of San Diego's writing pro- gram, will present auto- graphed copies of his best- selling book from 1-6 p.m. Sept. 25 at the "Grounds for Murder" oookstore, 2707 Congress St

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