News Scrapbook 1981-1982
r's ry. Dr. Author Hughe.. R October 13, 1982 P•1t• 14 • • On San Diego's economy: "I am very optimistic. I think that San Die,ro, with timulation from the Economic Development Corporation and t lw Chamb •r of Commerce, has been 8uccessful over the last 10-15 years in diversifying this economy. It is no longer JUSI a Navy town or aerospace market; ii is a combination of many dif- ferent industries. We feel the recession just as anywhere ebe, but perhaps not as severPly because of this diversification" On San Diego issues: "There are certain issues which con- cPrn me that have taken a Jorge part of my timP ovPr the last several years. I've devoted much of my time and energies \)('c11tM' thesP issues impact Southern California and San Diego communities, ,rnd therefore, the well-being of this in- stitution and iti:; ability to maintain its hrall h und growth - the issues of water, transportation and energy. I have been intimately involved in all three of thPse." On Per pective: ''What the piece does is cause a focus- mg on where we are and where we're go- mg by the leader, in lh(• rnmmunity, leaders who lake a look down the road and offer a perspective, as you call it, on this community what it is and where it is going. To cause that to happen systematically is helpful to the c9m- munily. Otherwise, we'd each go our sing!(• fo<:us. You offer a vanety of separate Jl('rsp('<'live,. und from those bottom line~, each reader can determine a 1Pgl per 1wct ive " Follow the leaders. Put your business in Perspective. Coming Monday, January 17. On his beginnings in education: "During the break between my junior and ;;enior year ,n high school, my dad sent me to C'hirngo for ,·ocational in- terest testing, a sort of human mventory asses ment concerned primarily with aptitude and skill attributes. One of the things which came out of that was a rather natural interest in teaching." On switching from educating to managing: ''I came West to Fla!(slaff, Arizona and the Dean and President for whom I worked believed I had ome ahilitie a a manager m higher education, so thev ave me the opportunit, I 'ltarted nt , orthem Arizona l nivers1t · as a department chairman in accountmg, mO\ed up to the lJean of the School of Bu,ine Admini. tration and then to Vice Pre ident of the UniHrsity And then, here, a pre id nt ot l SO. Those are the traditional step , although what u. ed to be typical todav se, ms to be shifting dramatically m higher Pduca lion." On management v . le ching: " more challeng1 d b , more sati lied by, the management pro ess than I was by the scholar! process. They are ~eparatp tracks and quitP dif fere 1t careers. I both liked and was con- founded by management, and still find it quite mtriguing. Plus, I find mvself motivated h) the decision making pro· cc ... On leadersnip: "The essence of managl'mPnt IS dec1s1on-mak ng "\ou have IQ he v.1ll- mg tn ~a · I l , t u >, or- 'that was the v.rong dec1 ion.' You have to be able to sit hack and look at your ell and what you are doing obJeC'li,el~ 'ot that you alwa:i; ha, e to find your own errors, there are tho.e around who v. ill quickly point them out to vou. And vou also ha\'e to make more right de is1ons than wrong ones.' ·on his management. tyle: "I make use of the people with whom I work. I have four excellent \'1ce pre~idents. and frequently take their jud"'ement on u matter a~ bemg mv own. I don't try to s cond guei-s them, and u e their dtci ·10ns as they make them. Verv frequently, ·the heavy dec1s10n are made collective• ly." On USD's Catholicity: "The l'niversity i Catholic ma sense different from what many people thmk. We are \ Catholic int hat we have a commitment, wi hin the context of the Roman Catholic trndition, to two fundamental beliefs: a belief in God, Pncournges self-exnmrnation, sot hat students begrn to a,k themselves "\\ hat is my relationshi~J to God? Who arn I? \\'here am l going." Our ap proach inc Vutit-an JI i more PX plorati,l' nd It• sc,lfechPtiral. I think that•~ very forward lookmg.' On USD's history: "'I he U111ver ·ity of, an Diego was founded i11 1949, as wos the Sun Diego College for Women. In 1969 convnsa tions began lwtween th!' Collegl' for Women and the University of San Diego lo merge the two institutions. ln 197:2 the merger wa consumat,·cl •· On USD today: "I am proud of the development and ~rowth o1 the lJmversity of ~an Diego. l'hrough ti am work and sound fiscal management, USD ha operated 111 the black for more than ..,en y,,ars. Our four profc~swnal chooli; of la\\, busine s, educ-ation, .ind nursing h1c1ve experienc<>d tremendous ~r iwt h in enrollment and lll re<'ogmtion. ( )ur country need leadership m high qualitv llnJ\er I Y.hen• tht order of priorities i t achin,r reRear h..111d communit} rn ice Tho e are our prior1tki1 now at the l niversity of San l)iego and 1 helwve we havp mmrd well down the path toward our goal, lo he ,111 l'Xcellent institution of higher learning, nnd to be rPrngmzed regionally and nationally for that excell, nee." USD and Robinson's Present • For advertising information, call 299-3131,ext. 1570. [qc £an Dit!lO Union THE~TRIBUNE Poolside Social Hour Dudley Beckett, a Robinson's Executive and Helen Russell and a belief in the dignity of the human being. We provide the __,---..,.. --- kind of atmosphere which I Flo Henrikson, Dr. Iris Engstranb, USO Professor and student Roberta Olson BLADE TRIBUNE OCT 1 4 1982 B-11 LA JOLLA LIGHT Thursday.Oct 14, 1982 'Women and Issues' series begins USO Workshop To Focus On Prevention the "Currently out, and Jews. The seminar, led by the Rev. Carole G. Keim, explores the pro- cess whereby both the symbolic language and the actual structures of religious organizations carry a profound impact on thoughts and feel- ings. The Rev. Keim points the $10 registration fee. For information call 293-4585. • The interfaith seminar series is spon- sored by USD's Conti- nuing Education in cooperation with the San Diego County Ecumenical Conference and the National Con- ference of Christians SAN DIEGO - the USD School of Education Least Do Something," an and Office of Student Affairs alcohol and drug prevention i? cooperation with Opera- workshop for educators hon Cork and The California h !ping profes ionals, 11nd State Department of conccn1 d community Education For information m mbers, will be held at the and re ervations call Gaye University of San Diego Soroka, Special Projects 1''riday, Oct. 22, from 8;30 Coordinator, t 293-4591. .m. to 5 p.m. in alomon "Let's At Least Do Lecture Hall, De ale Hau. Som~thing," i de igned to provide method to as ist in Reglstr11tlon •~ $30 and m the development of alcohol clud s th wor hop, lun- and drug prevention and in- ch on and re.fre hmcnts The tervention programs. The workshop I SJJQn orcd by workshop focuses on the •.......;;.-=-~...;;,.:;.:..:=:::::~::..:::::~~ ''Let' At "Woman Wit: Strategies and Sexism" will be the topic of a Women and Issues seminar series at the University of San Diego Oct. 21 from 7:30 to 9 a.m. in the DeSales Hall Board Room. A continental breakfast, seminar and materials are included in roles o~ educators, helping professionals and concerned community members and their interactions with schools. Keynote speaker James F. Crowley is the president and founder of Community In• tervention, Inc. and draws on 10 year experience as a teacher and administrator who has worked pro- fess1onally in the field of al~ohol and drug program- mmg, rimarily addressing ~dolescent alcohol and drug issues. Luncheon speaker Bob Fredericks will discuss the objectives of Operation Cork, a national com- munications program for alcohol education established in 1976 by Joan Kroc. California Department of Education Consultant for Health Programs Persida Drakulich will speak on "What's Happening in California." symbols, and language that are enhan- cing to women conflict with the reality of con- temporary religious in- stitutions." The mythic and practical dimen- sions of change, as well as the pain and the pro- mise, will be addressed by the seminar leader. stories, • READER OCT 1 4 1982
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