News Scrapbook 1981-1982

READER NOV 19 1981

NOV,. 6 1981

JPlenty Of Room For Vision J ) ph nlU(_f ,arl n, 11t1cs \\hen h

San Diego, Monday, I


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l) 1 Lenin •rad u,urr for It 1srn, to11n ! •111lty and nr to ,1 S.,v1et forLed-labor Lalllp. ffo enmc was, basicallv, \I ntmg tnt<·n , difficult poetr1, .inJ b ing Jewish They called hi, poetry g1bbc n h. An mtcmational scandal developed. Public pressure from abroad, upporting the· vulnerable heroes of freedom in Russia, obtained Brodsky's release. But the authorities could not stomach him. In J972 he was expelled from his homeland. America welcomed him - he became poet-m-residence at the University ot Mic h1gan, whcr.: he rcmamcd for eight years. • 'ow he holds the same post at ( 'olumbta Univer 1ty and Mount 1,d p~r

H omymasi KaMHH: H3 KaMHSI )l.eJialOr

cinemas, but fur rhc salce of my native tongue and letter . For which sort of devotion, of a zealous bent ("Heal thyself, Jocror," as the saying went), denied a chalice at the feast of the fatherland, now l starn.l in 3 strange place. The name hardly matters. He i not only a Russian poet, he I a Lenin rad poet. He carries m his bluo

CTeHbl. 3a HHMH }f(HB}'T MY}f(lfHHbl. >KeHlllHHbl. Jl,eTH.




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ussian Poet Wi 11 'tJ Speak At University SA DIEGO - Joseph

but in 1972 he was expelled from the Soviet Union in a move Time Magazine de- scribed as "the culmination of an inexplicable secret police vendetta against him that has been going on for over a decade." Brodsky said, "They have simply kicked me out of my country, using the Jewish issue as an excuse." Since shortly aft~r bis exile, Brodsky has made bis home~ ~nn Arbor, teaching and wnting poetry which has yet w be published in his native Russia. Diring his appearance at USD, Brodsky will read bis works in Russian, with Harry Thomas of the USD Department of English de- livering the English versions. Adiscussion period will follow the readings.

Brodsky, a Russian poet, will appear at the University of San Diego in readings of his wor,k Monday, Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. in Salmon Lecture Hall. The public is invited to the event, for which there is no admission charge. poet-in- res1de_nce at the University of Michigan, recipient of honorary doctorates at Yale and Oxfo a universities and 9ugge11heim fellow, ~ame mto international pro- minence in the 1960s when he was tried by a ~ningrad court on charges of being a "social parasite," writing "gibberish" instead of working. He was sentenced by the court to five years at hard Jabor. Pressures from the world literary com- munity resulted in the commutationof his sentence, ~rodsky, now


---------- , Brodsky r..ontlnued from page 1) Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Bely, Akhmatova, ManJelshtam. [ wa, born and grew up in the Bait ic marshland b ·z1nc•gray that alway, m.uchedon 111 twos. Hence ail rhymes, henc~ that wan flat voice that npples between them like hair still moist, if it ripples at all ... What keeps hearts from talsc:ness in this flat region 1s that then: 1:, nowhere to hide and plenty uf room for vision. By 1975, in America, his vision encompassed the reality of his exile, and the reality of everyone's exile, the state of being exiled that belongs to the whole human race; l wnte from an Empire whose t:nonnou, flanks extend b.,ncath the sea. Having sampled two oceans as well as contments, l feel that I know what the globe mclf must f.,el:





NOV l 9 1981 San lJiego, Thursday,



OOK A symposium on toxic waste will be conducted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in USD's More Hall. Registration is $40, $10 for students. Call 291-6480, extension 4296.

T m. 25 AUXILIARIES of the Children's Home Soc, ty of California in San Diego County are joining in presenting a "Just Before Christ- s Bazaar" De ·. 5 at the Al Bahr Shrine Temple on K arny Me a Road. Bazaar hours are 9.30 a.m. to 1 30 p.m and there wlll be child care available. he bazaar will offer a variety of hand-crafted gift 11 m and holiday decoration. as well as baked goods d holiday swe I . ••• he Umv r 1ty of San Diego Auxihary·s holiday luncheon 1s planned for Dec 3 at the San Diego Hilton Hotel. Mrs. Richard Reilly and Mrs. James K11 ·. ner are co-ehairmen and Mrs. Kassner is taking r ervation . ue ts ar • a ked to bring wrapped gifts to be d tributed to enior c1l1zens living in nursing homes. program of Chri tmas mu ·1c will be directed by H bert Austin of the U D Music Department.

READER NOV 19 198t


NOV 1 9 1981 "The Marriage of Figaro,'' the comic opera by Mozart, will be sung in English by the University of San 0iegl.l Opera Workshop, Fnday, 'ovembe r 20 and Saturday, ovemN:r 21, 8 p. m.; and Sunday, November 22, 2:30 p.m., Camino Theater, USO. 291-6480 x4427.

"Toxic Waste" and its legal as• pects, including the responsibihty and regulations of various gov- ernmental agencies and controver- sial legislation now pending, will be discusseJ by agency officials, Saturday, November 21. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., More Hall , School of Law, USO. 293-4532.

BLADE TRIBUNE NOV! 9 9n Seminar Set For Saturday

SAN DIEGO-A symposium on toxic waste will beheld Saturday at the University of San Diego between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m The symposium, cosponsored by the USD School of Law and the Environmental Law Society, will be held in More Ha-U at the law school. · ;\mong the issu_es addresssed will be the legal aspects of toxic waste, public health regulations, pendi11g legislation and litigation. The. seminar is designed for lawyers, students, and environmentalists. "Presently the law of toxic waste is still in its infancy. There are four state agencies and one fe_deral agency all ha vmg some responsiblity in the field,'' said USD assistant professor Rick Barron. "This is the first time that such high ranking officials in the agencies responsible for toxic waste have come together to educate lawyers and the public on the burgeoning law of toxics," said Barron. Registration is $10 for students, $40 for non-students.



NOV 1 9 1981 "St. Mark's Gospel,'' the Alec McCowen production of the story ofJesus Christ will be performed by actor Eric Booth, Monday, November 23, 8 p.m. , Camino Theatre, USD. 232-6385.

"THE IARRIAGE OF FIGARO ' - Comic opera by 1ozart, performances m Engh h 8 p m. Fnday and Saturday and 2,30 p m. Sunday Camino Theatre, University of San Diego. Admismon, 3: tudcnt nd m r c tizens, $2 For 1 format on. all 29 6480 ext. 4425



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TlMES-ADVOCATE NOV 1 9 1981 FOUNDERS GALLERY "The Face and Form of Melanesia," an exhibition of masks, figures and other ritual objects from the Seplk h,.ar area of Papua, New Guinea, and the surrounding islands will be mounted thru Dec. 9. Located at the University of San Diego, gal- lery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays except Wed., when hours are extended to 9 p.m.


+ + +----~--~ THI . THlfRSDAY, THE CAMPUS MINISTRY at the Urnvers1ty of San Diego will sponsor a da -Ion fast as part of a nationwide annual fast spoisorJ by the famine relief agency' Oxfam Ameri Money, students ordinarily spend on the d c~. meals,,will be donated to Oxfam. ay 8 . USO 8 C~pus Ministry, a participant in the fast nee 1974, will conduct a week of prayer and reli- giou~ :iervices •. Culminating in the fast day on which participants will be asked to limit their food . tak to co_ffee, tea,, or broth. The University;~ SerVIce I participating by setting up a broth line for students.


"Toxic Waste" will be disr,usstd at a University of San Diego symposium Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Co- sponsored by the USD School of Law and the Environmental Law Society, the symposium will address legal aspects of toxic waste and will explore current regulations, pending legislation, and litigation.

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