News Scrapbook 1981-1982
San Diego, Thursday, ,January 7, 1982 __
(:!_-I___ T_H_E_T_R_I_B_U_N_E__ E_-5
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USD tops Fresno-Pacific in close game
USO creates teacher program
the Sunbirds fouled six times. That put USO into a foul-. hooting situation and
It came hard, but Coach Jim Brovelh will take a vie- tory nnyw y he can get one. B ovelhs Umvers1ty ~f n D1 go Torero had to dig all the way last night before they were able to tak the measure of Fre no- Pacific 55-48 at the USO ports CPnter. Brovelh was encouraged m th wm by the fact the Torero cut their turnovers to a third of th ir previou~ c1v ra e and that he got solid scoring from both for- Yi ard Robby Roberts and Gerald Jon Roberts had 12 pomt and Jones 11 Th Toreros n vcr trailed from the game's third min- ut but saw th 1r lead cut to 4 45 with Just over three mmute to go. At that point, l· D Yient mto its delay gam holdmg the ball unti.
sent Don Capener to the line Fresno-Pacific got 18 for a successful one-and-one points from its center, that sealed the outcome. Shane Hite.
other weekend for one month beginning Feb. 5; and "Integrating Study and Test-Taking Skills into the School Cur- riculum," to be he!d from 8:30 to 5 p.m. lil three, two-hour sessions during the week of Feb. I. All PDU courses will be held on the USD Lin- da Vista Road campus except for the "In- tegrating Skills" course, which will meet at the Community Room of Far West Savings and Loan in Rancho Penas- quitos.
Skills for Academic Tasks," to be held from 4 to 9 p.m. Jan. 22 and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 23; "Newspaper workshop," to be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Jan. 29 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 30; "Asser- tiveness Training for Teachers," a two-day workshop, to be held Jan. 15 from 4 to 8 p.m. and Jan. 16 from 9 to 5 p,m.; "Curriculum for the Physically Han- dicapped and Other Im- paired Children and Young Adults," to be held two days every
School, suggests, however, that applicanls investigate these oppor- tunities prior to registra- tion. to De- Roche, all of the courses are applicable towards a profession:il develop- ment certificate in teaching. Course offer- inRs and dates: "Educational Meas- urement," Wednesdays 7 to 9:50 p.m. beginning Feb. 3; "Religious Vocations Awareness Workshop," to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 9; "Perceptual According
The University of San Diego's School of Education, in coopera- tion with the Division of Continuing Education, has announced the crea- tion of a new program for teachers which will result in credit for pro- fessional development units. The "PDU" pro- gram, which will begin in January, comprises seven courses. All are applicable for tax deduction purposes and/or for in service salary credit. Edward DeRoche, dean of the
- - -~---------------------~
Tuesday, January 5, 1982
Torero Lapses Open Door For Lions By BILL CENTER Staff Writer, The Son Dieoo Union
The University of San Diego is not playing Univer sity of San Diego basketball these days. Since a trip to Santa Bar- bara before Christmas, the Toreros have been imperso- nating the University of Jekyll and Hyde. Last night, USO had two great spurts - one to open the game, one to close it. In between, however, they lost the game. Southeastern Louisiana, getting 27 points from 6- foot-7 center Terry Kelly and shooting 50 percent from the floor because fewer than a quarter of its shots were fired up from distances exceeding 10 feet , downed the Toreros 60-59 at Alcala Park. That represented quite a rally for USO, though. With 2:35 to go, the Toreros, burned on back-to-back steals by Lions' guard Troy Hall, gave up a third straight Iayin and a 10th straight point to fall back by nine at 58-49. A sorry state for a club that led 26-12 with 4:10 to go m the first half. That edge quickly van- ished as Southeastern Loui- siana outscored USD 12-2
down the first-half stretch. gcttmg two layins in the final minute. USO is now 5-5, a record that pretty much speaks for the season. Some games have been diamonds. Some have been stones. Most have been both. "We play very well at times, not so good at oth- ers," said Torero Coach Jim Brovelli. "We did a lot of standing around tonight. "We do not have super- stars here. To win, we have to extend ourselves a full 40 minutes. Sometimes it's very difficult to play at that peak. But we have to. It's a 40-minute game." One player who usually plays 40 minutes, Rusty Whitmarsh, didn't against
the L10ns and the Toreros paid a price. It was Whitmarsh's all- around court play that sped USO to its 14-point lead. He hit three straight 15-plus footers to break an 8-8 tie and ignite a 20-4 USD run - which he capped with two layins off a pair of stolen passes. Exit Whitmarsh for the rest of the half. At 26-12, Brovelli - facing a string of three games in six nights - decided to rest Whit- marsh and three other regu- lars. Back into the game came the visitors. "There was no false se- curity when we were up by 14," said Brovelli. "We knew off the scouting reports that they were a good (5-5)
team.' The game see-sawed in the second half and just when the Toreros seemed to be regaining the upper hand - that is they kept the ball out of Kelly's hands on three straight trips down- court - they missed three of five free throws, a layin and a short jumper and were clinging to a 49-48 lead instead of a possible IO-point edge. Southeastern Louisiana then ran off 10 straight points. Twice in 30 seconds, Hall stole the ball from Torero point guard Rich Davis. Off the first, he passed to Wayne Booker for a slam. On the second, he took it in for the layin him- self.
USO mounted a belated rally and had a chance to win it. But Davis missed two shots in the lane and Whitmarsh's desperation 55-footer at the buzzer fell short. "We didn't shoot well from where we were shoot- ing and they did from four feet," said Brovelli. "It wasn't Kelly that killed us as much as the penetration of their guards." Whitmarsh led USO with 16 points and David Heppell had 12. USO hosts Fresno Pacific tomorrow at Alcala Park. Southewastern Louisiana remains in town to play a rematch with U.S. Interna- tional University tomorrow at Mira Mesa High.
The Son Diego Union/Don Borllettl Gerald Jones of USO goes high above Southeastern Louisiana's Troy Hall to capture a in game won by visiting Lions 60-59.
JAN l 11982
The University of San Diego's ~hool of Busmess Admimstration will hold a two-day seminar on pro1ect management Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Bank of America Room at the busi- ness school. The fee is $ 260 .
DATE: Jan. 14-!6 TIME: Thursday, 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Fri- day and Saturday, all day SEMINAR: Communication Sktlls LOCATION: UCSD's Camino Student Lounge FEE: $100 SPONSOR: USD Continuing Education CO"ITACT: 293-4585
Tl1ursday and Friday "The Spiritual Journey; Stories of Adult Faith" and $j "The Use of Storytelling in Ministry and Preaching"; Two spiritual workshops lead by Father John Shea "Thll Spiritual Journey" at 7 and 9 p.m Thursday and •·storytelling" at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday at the Hahn School of Nursing, room 106, at the University of San Diego. lnformatton and registration: 293-4585.
JAN 1 1 1982
FUNDRAISING . ERNEST E. YAHNKE, se~10r v1~e 'dent for Bank of America, will pres1 . f a new serve as general chairman or .. U . ·1y of San Diego fundra1srng nivers1 · t \led Corporate Assoc1a es. program ca • , d r It will support the univ_ers1ty s un e 1- rad uate and profcssio~al schoo s gh h "bringing the university and ~e;f ;;al corporations into closer rela- relationship." • 1 d · Among the San Diegans mvo ve in the new fund raising effort are: BRUC: H AZARD president of Hazar ' . RICHARD P. Products Inc., . . WOLTMAN, vice president of First Affiliated Securitites; C.E. FRU{~' manager of the . local Hl~m~oR\e Insurance Co. office; C(?L . '. . 'dent of California First Bank, vice pres1 . · 1 MAX MCCORMACK. distr~ct _sa e~ for United Airlines , manager · f MICHAEL PEARLMAN. president o S t s· PAUL InterOcean ys em • TOUMAINEN. vice president of Bank of America: and JACK W_ALSH, f ERA Walsh & Associates. owner o .
JAN 1 1 1982
JAN 111982
---, ·~he Rev. John Shea will lead two workstiops at the University of San Diego this week in the Hahn School of Nur mg, Room 106. . From 7 to 9 p.m. Thursd~y Father Shea v;,1ll prese~t "The Spiritual Journey: Stones of Adult Faith. The fee 1s . t~ From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Shea w1l) presen . e Use of Storytelling in .Ministry and Preaching." Reg1stra- t1on for the latter is $35. Infomatllln may !>e obtained by rallm USD's chool of Continuing Education at 293-~5_l!5.
EDUCATION . JIM SMITH. division claim mana- ger \\ith the regional office of Allstate Insurance Co., has bee~ named to th~ University of San Diego. Board o Vi,itors. Ihe board is an advisory group
DATE: Jan. 13 TIME: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SEMINAR: Trust Fund Update LOCATION: Holiday Inn Embarcadero 1 FEE: None SPONSOR: USD Law School's Labor- Management Relations Center CONTACT: 293-4583
. two-way channel between
serving as a school community. the
Al USD's president HUGHES has been electe f to the board of directors o yea; t'¾:tional Association __ of th d t Colleges and Universities. lndepen en so. " d t a two- . o
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