News Scrapbook 1981-1982
'Power' seminar tomorrow "Nonverbal Techni- ques for Enhancing Per- sonal Power" will be the topic of the first Update Breakfast Seminar sponsored by the University of San Diego. Scheduled tomorrow from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Executive Hotel in downtown San Diego, the seminar will feature Phillip Hunsaker, an associate professor of management at USD. Update is a series of eight seminars designed for persons in business. It will be held by USD's School of Business Ad- ministration and Conti- nuing Education every Frdiay morning through April 23. Full series registration is $115. A group rate of $ I00 per person is available for groups of three or more persons. Single sessions are $15. For information and registration, call 293-4585. According to Hun- saker, tomorrow's seminar is designed to "uncover the subtle dynamics of how space, and the movement of people in it, are used to enhance personal dominance and in- fluence." A faculty member of USD's School of Business Administration since 1977, Hunsaker previously taught at the University of Wiscon- sin, California State University Northridge and at USC. In addition to
SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL SEMI AR: Non-verbal Techniques for Enhancing Personal Po\\er, Update breakfast ,eminar ,erie, DATE: March 5 TIME. 7:30-9 a.m. LOCATIO : Exccuti~e Hotel FEE: $15 SPONSOR: USO School of Business Admini5tration CONTACT: 293-4585
-"Nonverbal Techniques for Enhanc- ing Personal Power" will be the top,c of the first of USD's UPDATE breakfast seminars. Dr. Phillip Hunsaker,associate professor of management, will lead the seminar to be held at the Executive Hotel, 1055 First Avenue from 7 :30-9 AM, $15 RSVP at 293-4585.
Today d 10 K and 2-mile Fun Run: Race to • 1 San Diego's Sports Programs. b nef1t the Un1vera1ty o 7 30 a.m at M1ss1on Bay Park~. --~ ---~---' Discover Irelan
St. Paddy's Day Duo "A Touch of Gre n" i what the Auxili- ary of lh Univer ily of Diego 1s call- ing its luncheon-musicale March 16 at h raton-Harbor I land. Proceeds will go to U D's fmanc1al aid program. The event will begin with cocktails at 11:30 a.m., and Ernwn Marod1 h planned a musical in• terlud , with . ix of her United States Inter- national University tudents inging with Reba Brophy Also, Nell Harrison WIii pre nt a fashion show Joan Bowes 1s chairwoman, B rbara (Mrs Alexander) Denm ton 1s taking reservations. Poiul Loma Guild or an Diego Opera will <"c!cbrate St. Patr1<"k' Day on the day, March 17 They'll go to 1-'i ta Dinner The- ter to ell irnon's "I Ought To Be in P1 tur "Joan Lightner, chairwoman, has re ervcd 200 seat for the guild. Cocktail time i 6 pm, buffet oon after at 6:15 p.m. and the curtain 1 8 15 p.m. Dons (Mrs. Peter) Ellsworth 1 taking reservattons.
SAN DIEGO NEWSLINE Rl f98Z -"The Nature of Maoagcrlal Work lmplkauon, for Success" will be the ropk of [tSO's l'PDATE break fa I seminar led by Dr Cvnthia Pa,t·11 at th<" FxecutJvc fforel from 7:30 9 AM 115 29H~85
Update Breakfa\t Semi11ar1, Brcakfa,1 ,cm, nar, . lo~ bu, 1ne,,rncn and " omen , por11,orcU h) U?ncr..11_) ol Sa n Diego School of Bu, ine,, Ad- 1n11w,1rm1on ~1''"' 111 i\hr•·h "d· M·
Page 8
lemon Grove (CA.) REVIEW
March 11, 1982
MAR 2 2 1982 ~EMI AR Bad 1\/e"s: It's Tough to Deli,er; USO Update Breakfa~t Seminar DATE: March 26 TIME: 7:30-9 a.m . LOCATION: Executive Hotel. downtown FEE. $15 SPONSOR:l SD School of Busines\ Administration CONTACT: 293-4585
More Heat on St>G&E USD Law Center Petitions PUC for Consumer Group Th,• l'niv. of San Dif,go Sl'hool of L11w C,•nt,•r for Pub- J1< Jnt1•re t has hi(>(f a J)P.ti - llon , th the Puhhc Ulilitics nmm ion seeking app ro al of U 1Jlty Consumers Action ctwnrk cl 'A;-;) tion, which calls for UCAN to periodicnlly have a<'cess to C'ndose contribution enveloJ)C's and information newslettC'rs
teaching, Hunsaker is a researcher and author in the areas of manage- ment and organizational development. He is a consultant in such areas as stress management, time management, conflict resolution, team building, interpersonal communications, group dynamics and leader- ship.
MAR 2 2 198Z
in ~DG&E monthly billings. "For a minimum $4 cnntri- hution, less than the ave-rage family spends on lipstick each year, a consumer would be- come eligible to vote for a UCAN Board of Directors," Fellmeth said. "It is the best investment a ratepayer could make. There nre indications that SDG&E is capable of gross misman- agement. "We sit in one of the mo t advantageous IOC'ation in the nation for solar, wind, gc,o.. thermal and ocean power. "Yet, what we have is a util- ity deriving its power from nuclear and oil-fired plants losing $.30 million on an in- competent oil transaction to a Texas financier and $100 mil- lion on the Sundescrt Nucl€-ar project which SDG&E aband- oned. ··currently the1·e is no rem- edy in the market place to combat SDG&E. The way to police th€' utility is through this kind of mechanism," Fe-11- meth contends. Fellmeth and Robert Sim- mons, another attorney a n d professor at USD, will head the non-profit organization. In addition to monitoring SDG&E, UCAN would also help individual members re- solw• complaints, distribute "r<•iC'vant and comprehensible" information to consumers as to why their rates are high and what can he don"' to pre- vent further increases, a n d (Juestion any "100 million boondoggles."
USD School of Business will have Charles f. Holt, Ph.D., speak at their UPDATE break- fast Seminar for Business People, Apnl 9. H,s topic is "Forecasting business developmen1s."
l'CAN, a non profit, pdvate eorporatwn, will he dc:=si gnc•d to hnld San Ilic,go Gas • F:1- ret ri<• Co acc-ountablP to S.D. r,,tepayers. l{ohP1t C. Fellmeth, director f the l'SD Center, in,;ist~ this consumer advocate is , ital in order to put a halt to continu• eel rnte increase,, rate inrrPas- r.s thnt he figures have soar• ,•rt 5rt, . ince 1!!7!.l. ''Thi' <'<>nsumPr is underrep• respnted," Fellme-th sairl. ~'cllmeth contPnrls that \\ h,1,.. there are somf' groups which have organized to pro- tr t partleular rate hikes, the• r is no single advocate to ·epresent the consumer. "Th re can h tremendous nhuse hy Sr><;&E because I hr1 e is no mechanism which r in properly prr-srnt facts to the I'! ·c on behalf of thr rate- p:iyer. "If the Pl'C appro\'es thf' l'CA!\" petition, there will be an Independent force to lm·e,s. tigate nnd monitor the utility ( n behalf of the incli\idual," promises Fellmeth. Th,• UCJ\. . taff, supported by puhtie contributions, would h · composed or attorneys, Wt ite1 , ac •ountant and other ·atl' expl'rts rapable of "rep- re entm"' 1n d assisting the S!JG&L customer without any cost to the taxpayer," Fell, mf'lh sai For more call 293-4585. _ LA JOLLA LIGHT 2 5 1982 Delivering b~d news the topic of seminar "Bad News: It's and Continuing Educa- tion. MAR 2 9 l:L SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL SAN DIEGO NEWSLINE S~INAR: Stress for the Accountant or Manager, USO Update Breakfast Seminars 0 TE: April 2 TIME: 7:30-9 a.m. LOCATION: Executive Hotel FEE: $15 SPONSOR: USO School of Business Administration CONTACT: 293-4585 SEMINAR: Administrative Uses of Microcomputers DATE: April 3 TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. LOCATION: USO DeSales Hall FEE: $25 SPONSOR: University of San Diego CONTACT: 293-4585 Tough to Deliver," is the topic of tomorrow's Update Breakfast Seminar sponsored by the University of San Diego. The seminar, the fourth in the Update Breakfast series, is scheduled for 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Executive Hotel in downtown San Diego.. Gary Whitney, USD assistant professor of management, will lead the seminar. Registra- tion is $15. The Update Breakfast Seminars are a series of seminars designed for persons in business and is co-sponsored by USD's School of Business Administration Tomorrow's seminar will explore methods to minimize stress related to the delivery of "bad news." The seminar will present ways to ensure that messages are heard and understood while reducing stress for both sender and receiver. A USO business ad- ministration faculty member since 1980, Whitney also is a con- sultant for the U.S. Navy, Buck Knives and Atlas Hotels. His experience in- cludes teaching posi- tions at Washington State University, the University of Washington and the University of Puget Sound. MAR 2 4 1982 -A seminar that explores meth- ods to minimize stress in the delivery of bad news wilt be taught by Dr. Gary Whitney a the USD breakfast seminar from 7:30·9 AM al the Execulive Hotel. $15 . 293-4585 •
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