News Scrapbook 1981-1982
BLADE TRIBUNE APR 9 1982 Reduction In Deficit Urged By Firm President hSAN ~I~GO - The chairman of j can't have price and interest rate t e nations larg~st b~nk recently stability without a well-balanced urgtehdf a. reduction m deficit ~pcndil!g monetary and fiscal discipline " as e mt s~ep toward solvmg basic Prussia said. ' U.S. economic prob_lems. He said federal deficits through B r.:nd ~- Prussia, chairman ot 1985 could reach $600 billion and an. ,menca Corp. and its chief reducing them must be the Reagan ~u~ltlary, 'd Bank _of American administration's very first priority in . . ., sa1 a cut m the nation's shoring up economic policy :e:icit 1 s.~~ehkey to re~uced interest "This is the real issue the ·financial 1 a es, tc would m turn spur markets want settled " he added nvestmcnt and create jobs. "They see that 1983' and beyond Speaking to a Corporate Associates should be years of r~covcry, but arc recognition luncheon at the Un- not hkcly . to be 1f our growing iversity of San Diego, Prussia told gconomy f is starved for capital the assembled business and civic ecau e 0 • the federal government's leaders that " not mu~h ood can °~f msat1_able appetit~ for i~. happen on either the supp'y or de- . hret believ~ the p~es1dent 1s on the mand sides until cripplin interest ng . rack m calling for tax and rates come down. And t~at won't spending cuts, as_ well as less gov- occur unless we deal more effectively ernmrnt ~~gu_la~1on and greater with the deficit. The USO Co rate mo~e ary 1 se1pli_ne. However, the Associates comprises busincsifirms p~rhe~t progrdam_ IS poorly .b~lanced that contribute annual O eratin WI ~rge ef1c1\s . requmng an support in such areas as schliarshil ~pp~ef~ively restncbve monetary faculty enrichment and new pro'. 1 ~,zt be b tt t . grams. . e er o strive for Prussia cautioned that moneta muc_h . more . f~scal discipline with r_estraint is also necessary to coC:. ~ec~•-~mg ~~f1c1ts so that money and tmuetocontrolinflation "You imply pre 1 . po_dicy could be eased," • russ1a sa1 .
LA JOLLA LIGHT BPR~n 1 k I he hairman of n la1gc bank rnld a athcr1ng at the ur San 01.. r t1uctio11 111 dcl 1c1t ,pc 11 1f1e first step urgc111ly nn c olvc has1c c,011omk probkms 1H thl\ ctiuntry. l t·land Prussia, ch,urman of the board of BankAmerica Cor~ IH)ration and of Bank of 'mcrica I & 'A, said a cut 111 h I ucsday t _at _a d l1, I\ 1 g , •d •d t o • , IHHr,1 > ·1
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B6 ---- ----- ':ic11t1ncl Weekend spotlight ( Music J THE UNIVERSITY of San Diego Orchestra will present its annual Sister Rossi Scholarship Fund Concert Sunday at 4 p.m. in USD's Camino Theater. USD undergraduate audition winners Paul Nagern and David De Valera will be the featured soloists. Flutist Paul Nagem will play the first mvvement of Concerto for Flute and Strings byJ.C. Bach, and pianist David De Valera will play the first movement ()f Beethoven's Concerto No. 3. The USO Orc 1 1estra, conducted by USD Fine Arts Department Professor Henry Kolar, will perform Beethoven's Sixth Symphony "The Pastorale," and ''Andante for Strings,'' composed by Dr. Kolar. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Proceeds of the concert benefit the Sr. Rossi Scholarshi Fund. o I I Wednesday, April 21, 1982
I 1982
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The symphony. under
ton of Henry I( ty of San Diego
r. II present tile Sister Roal Scholar- t 4 p m llellt Sunday in the C1m1no Theater
USO S) mphon) - Henry Kolar conduc1, 1he Uol\ el">ll) of Jn D,cgo ymphon) in bcnefi1 conccn for Sr. Ro," Schola,,,h1p Fund. Apr 15 al 4 m Camino Thealrc . SD. Info: 291-6480.
P Fund Concert
APR 2 2 198Z
. 0 .')mphony _ Henr Kolar will conduct the
orchestra for the Sr. Rossi cert on April 25 at 4 p.m.
cholar hip Fund Con-
APR 2 2 1982 Cla sical Concert, the USD Or- che era, under the direction of Henry Kolar, will perform Beetho- ven's Sixth Symphony, and Kolar's own Andance far Smng5, d "ill ~ccompany flunst Paul agem and pianist Dav,d De Valera in works l,y Bach and Beethoven, unday , April 25, 4 p. m., Cammo Theater, u~o. 291-6480 x4296.
USD team going to Peru for a 'different religious experience' s D!r,CO Four tudent mcmhrrs of the R I, 1ous 'tud1cs Club at the Uruvcr .ty of Sau Dwgo and a facultv dv1 01 .,re prepanng IO spt nd five week~ Ill l'eru la1er th1 ·ummer in what they hop, will becom n an11ual undertaking. Teixeira a senior from Carlsbad, Ann Waggoner, a freshman from Indio, Sylvia Tapia of Brawley. and Jeanne Herms. a sophomore from Chula Vista - are alrcad, preparmg by taking courses in Spanish and Peruvian culture. In addition, aid Teixeira. the student ' coordinator, ther are raising fund·
USD team going to Peru for a 'different religious experience' SA:"i DIEGO Four student
') e1xe1ra. a senior from Carlsbad. Ann Waggoner, a freshman from Indio, Syh ia 'I apia of Brawley, and Jeanne Herms. a sophomore from Chula Vista - are already preparing by taking courses 111 Spanish and Peruvian culture. In addition, said Teixeira, the students' coordinator, they are raising funds through liake and flower sales on i:ampus. lS wt'll as other activities, an ( allc members of the Religious Studies Club at the Uni,ersity of San Diego and a facult) advisor are preparing to spend five week 111 Peru later this summer in what thr\ hope will become an annual undertaking. Called 1hc Overseas Peoplc-to'People Program, 1t will giH'. ;.he USO studc·nts "a diflerent religious experience - in this case a different Catholic religious experience," said D,. Gary .Macv, \\ho will accompanr the students. THE USD team will pay their o"" "ay to South America and live·, as a commum1y. in Chulucanas, Peru, under the sponsorship of Augustinian Fathn Gary Rye, who had been diocesan direr1or of evangelization and adult education in San Diego, and who is now servmg as a missionary priest. "Father Rye suggested that we attend ministry meetings down there first and not immediately decide what we're goi ng to do until we sec how we can help w.ithout getting in the way," explained Dr, Macy. through bake and no... er sales on campus, as well as other ac1i, itie , and have also received a grant from the USD s1udcnt gmt:rnmem; Dr :\lacy will teach ·ome summer niurses at ~larquctte to con•r his expt"nsc . THEY HOPE TO bring back not onl, their expenenrc of living togetha as a "caring, sharing, praymg Christian uirnm111111v," said Dr. ~lacv, bu1 also !ides and tapes of their ~xpenences · . omething they will be able to hare not only at USD, but with interested parishes in the diocese. relate pretty much on an academic basis," aid Dr. Macy. "What we hope 10 do is form a cure Chri. tian community, and integra1e our faith with our dail, experience." "Here at the University we • SC pholo b> Dcuon Jame ~dnbc-r~ FLOWER POWER - Selling carnations on campus is one of several projects undertaken by some University of San Diego students to pay their way to Peru this summer. Meeting in Dr. Gary Macy's office at USD are (from left) student James Teixeira, and faculty members Del Schneider and Gary Macy of the Religious Studies department. April 8, 1982, Southern Cross-3 Dr. Macy and the students - James
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