News Scrapbook 1981-1982

BLADE TRIBUNE ~R 9 S rstorytelling Is Topic Of Workshop

-"Women' Spiritual Journey throup:h swrytelhnp:." with rabbi I.rnn Gotlhch. WIii be held tn the l sn Camino Theatre from IO AM to • PM Cosponsored by the Women·, ln;,u wre for Conttnulnp: Jewtsh Education and l 'SO 's Conunutnp: Education S 15 29.~ 1585



USO Students Win Business Garn s Title; SDSU Team Also Gets Troph

'Storytelling' workshop scheduled . anuenl 1,tl s Diego•~ Con11nuing scrv,: a cong.reg~t1on 1!1 "Women's Spir1111al Work\hop leader y E:ducal1(111 n coopcra• New York Clly 111 a~d1• tion 1\1lh 'The American tion to present111g Journey through Rabb, I ynn Gotll!eb tory1clli11g," i the will drav. upon her Jcv, t, Con1r'l1t1ce anti work hops throughout theme vf a v.orkshop lo ludk of ~tury ,olle~ be h Id 1 1 lhe U111v ·r 1ty 11011 in Hebrew from The pro ram I CO· ol an Ditgo 011 April 1hi.: li1blc, the T.ilmud, ,pon,ored b} Womi.:n's th, S I Diego the U111•ed States, E umcnical (onrercnce. Canada and I rael. 21 from 10 n.rn. to 4 Ha\id1c le ts, my I ~al In lllulc for Conlinuing p m. 111 Camino and ar- Jewish Educa1ion and I he,1lcr . the Unncr i1v or San Rabb Lynn Gotthcb, a gradualt· ol Hebrc\\ Un vl.'rsily, Jeru,alcm, For more informa- 1ion, call 293-4585. __ __::__ ________ ------- ---------·

Business schools from two San Diego universities came home with trophies from the annual International Collegiate Business Policy Games at Reno last weekend - and one team walked off with the grand prize. A team of students from the University of San Diego - entering the event for the first time was 1982·s grand champion among 24 univers1t1es at the event at the University of Nevada at Reno. San Diego State which won the grand prize two years ago, was first among its group of six schools. It was the third straight year SDSU has come home a winner In 1t league of six In the simulated computer games. the l SD team manufactured a sem1durable consum r product. "Wc were told we could market the product m four d1ffert•nt geographical ar1>as But at the outset wc chose to co • centrate where we had marketrng efficiencies in just two markets" said David Rogers, coach of the USD team. In the simulated effort, USD's product started with 16.67 percent of the market and wound up just hort of 23. Its common stock started at $2.06 a share dropped

to 93 cents as the "company' pumped money mto m r ket saturallon effort.~ then soared to $69 USD's team members were Mark Ll'hberg, Jay k, Eve Blomberg, Wayne Purcell, Don Moser and .K ith Mullin. . SDSU won in its league becau~e "we played c nse a- t1ve strategy," said Prof. Chad Pierson. faculty dv1ser. "The industry was booming but we beld back n build- ing mventory We felt the boom couldn't go on t 1at long but we were underinventoried m the boom y rs. Then when the boom slowed, we were in much better position than the others and we were much be ter positioned for the subsequent turnaround We had 25 million m accumulated net mcome at the end of the eventh year and the closest competitor had $22 mil• lion ' said P1 rson Team members were Paul Koreen, Darnel Rub n- stein, Stephen Dacus, Carey Mack, Linda Schadler and Robert S. Wilhams. Ont• of the judges was George Leisz, an executive vice pres1drnt of San Diego's Acrojet General. - Donald C. Bauder

-Through April 22, 1982-ISRAEL TODAY SAN DIEGO Inter-Denominational Seminar Features Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb u rb blend or religion and rts my t, s1'1 and ~torytell m rcaturmg n tionall) known Rnbh1 l ynn Gottli b, will be Br

the inter denominat1onnl eminar will be convened by Bonnie Fein- man, M.Ed., Co-Director of the Woman's Institute and Director or the American Je.,,ish Comm11 tee The first pre cntation of the day will be "Go Tell It On A Mountain", in" h1ch Rabbe Gott- lieb will depict stories of Biblical wom~n through lecture, music and interpretive dance. Following lunch, the group will resume for individual workshops to include: " Storytelling Through M idrash", with Dr. Irene Finc; "Chrislian Story Ma ing"', with Kristin Stabb: and "Mythmaking and Fairytale ", with Marleen

cctd. The mall groups will otfer an opportumt) for parti- cipants to create tbc1rown stodes. The closing celebration will be conducted. once again, by Rabbi Gottlieb. Anyone wishing further information on the pro- gram may contact The Woman's Institute for Continuing Jewish Education at 442-2662 or The Department of Continuing Edu- cation, USD, at 293-4585. A registration fee of$] 5 is required to include both small and large group workshops.

pre ntcd on April 2 l, at the Univ r ,t o San Diego Spon- orcd by Th Woman In. tilute for onlinulng Jcv.i h Lducation 11n1I th Univer 1ty of San Diego, Department ol Contim11ng Ed1r cation. m cooperation with the merican Jcwi h Committee and the San Diego l:cumen1cal Con- for nee, the program "111 t ke pince at USD's Cahrillo Theater' from 10 4

SAN DIEGO UNION APR 2 3 l98l Nurses To Be Honored The ~onor ~ociety of the University of Sao Diego School of Nursmg wll.l be .mducted into the national Sigma Theta ::~~~n~~~:ety m a campus ceremony and reception to . About 120 members of the USD group will be mducted mto the 65,000-member national organization. t Helen Ference, first vice president of the national soci- e y, will conduct ~he ce:emony. Irene S. Palmer, dean of the school o_f nursmg, will deliver the keynote addre~ ~al officers to be installed will be Karen Zap~ne president; Mary Fall?n~Smitb, vice president; Mary Caf~ fery, secretary; Christine Trelease, treasurer; Pamela E Johnson, president elect; Patricia Roth, counselor and velyn Anderson, counselor. '

READER APR 2 2 1982

APR 2 6 19&2


EDUCATION It was not a Rose Bowl victory parade, but last week's ceremony to honor the business schools of the University of San D1ego(USD)and San Diego State University (SDSU) brought back a bit of the ot' be-true-to- your school days. Both universities were top scorers at the recent 18th annual International Collegiate Business Policy Games at sponsoring University of Nevada, Reno. USD, st udents coached by local investment pro DAYID ROGERS and competing against 20 other schools, captured the grand prize in the simu- lated computer games. SDSU ranked first among its six-school division. USD's team was given a semidurable consumer product to market. Its common stock started at about $2 per share, dropped to 93 cents and them climbed to $69 after its market saturation effort. SDSU played a "con- servative strategy" according to CHAD PIERSON, faculty adviser, who guided the team to an accumulated net income figure of $25 million, $3 million more than the nearest competitor. Both schools were honored at the USD campus last week, with OSD receiving a trophy and a City of San Diego proclamation .

Fr. Ronald Pacbence


Fr. Pachence gets USD religious chair SAN DIEGO _ Father R_onald Pachence' associate professor or rehg10us studies at the University of San Diego, has been appointed chairman of the department. He will replace Fat_her Dennis Krouse, who wilt devote full t1mt· to teaching and research. Father Pachence is a native of Savannah, Ga.' and a gr~duate of Immaculate Conception Sernma,-y and Catholic University' where he rece,_ved a doctorate of theology in world rehg,ons. FATHER PACHENCE rame to USD in September of last year from D'Youngville College m Buffalo, • ·Y· 12-Southern Cross, April 22, 1982

R2 3 1982 0 Vietnamese Cults 4

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