News Scrapbook 1981-1982


July 26, 1982




Peg 18



Foundera Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work. [Yhrough Sept. • 7. University of San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 . to 4 p.m.;

Universities float tax-exempt bonds to buoi

Wednesdays to 9 p.m.

Th f, 11 on college c mpme 11,111 ha\e noth111g to do 11,1th lratc:r111t1e , sororitt • demon trnuons. roci.. concert\ or ha11ng lnste,u..1, the M>rld ol high llnancc could h come the current cra,e, and at I .i I thrc: pn\ate ,111 Diego colleges nd u111 c1s1t1 mu ·be! .idrn •the11,ay. l 111vcr 1ty adm1r11,1rator .1aos the country eck111g to off ct propo, d decre I e 1n lederath ub idi,ed student loan h:l\e laid plan to lloat t<1 • empt h rnd m the open market at below-market intere t rates. Ahout 100 pnvat um\er~111es and olle •c are rnvolved. 1m:lud1ng 60 in ( 11hforni,1 ,ind thrl·c lm:,illy the Un1vcr 11\ of San Diego ( SD). :-.a- 11111 i1 \ 'mver llY ,ind Point L om11 ,liege Spa11,ncd by th A ociation of lnde• pendent C'nl1forni,1 ( ollcge und l nl\Cr itie ( IC ( t.;) nd mcludmg su h high-powered 111stitut1ons 11s Stan- ford nd l S • the propo d (altfornia bond oil nng w1ll 1a1s about $100 mil· lion, 11,1th m;t proceeds ofahuut $81 mil- l1on a,,1ilahle for rndcnt loan . II 111\ goc accord mg to chedule. the um,er 111cs will "go to market in earl'I October,'' acconhng to JACK BOY< • \1Ce pre •dent of financial af- f,m at l ·n. Boyce predicted that inter t rates for 1nveMor "'111 r,111g from 11 percent to 12 pcrc nt. and bonds 11,111 b market d \\1th an eye to\\ard taxp.iyers in the 0 per nt hr, ckct. who could g ncr· tt: ,ilter-t 1)( )lclds



WL 1 5 198?

Founden O.ilery J~mes Roche: Recent Worl< will be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 e.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri. end ~ednesdays to 9 p.m., University of Sen Diego.

Paintings by James Rocha, paint· ing instructor ar the University of San Diego, will be on exhibit through September 7, Founders Gallery; USO. 291,6480 x4296.




loan repayment is delayed until six months after graduation. ·1 he California plan differs from sim- ilar proposals in Mas,achusctts. llltno1 Mame and Marvland in that the non-profit corporatio~ will serve as the undemntcr "Ille 'break-po1111' 111 front-end co t I at least $8 million." explain d USD's Boyce. "So the con- cen\us wa to form a con oruum. which will reduce er>one's issuance costs." Urn\er 1ty administrator began p)o111ng the hond concept soon after RO. 'Al D REAGAN's maugura11on. ·1 hey full) expected that their 111,utution, would need the money for this fall 11,hi h was the Reagan a

JUL 1 &

Colleges Founder • Gallery: James Rocha· Recent Work Tnrough Sept. 7 University ol San Diego.

Foundera Gallery James Rocha: Recent Work wHI be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri. and Wednesdays to 9 p.m., University of San Diego.

Foundera Oellery .,ames Rocha. Recent Work will be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Mon. through Fri. and Wednesdays to 9 p.m., Univers ty of San Diego. ---------~--~



JUL 2 5 1982


Colleges Founder • Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work, through Sept. 7 University of San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesdays to 9 p.m.

Founders Gallery James Rocha: Recent Work will be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri. and Wednesdays to 9 p.m., University of San Diego.

Founder, Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work, lhrough Sept. 7. University of San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 pm· Wednesdays to 9 p.m. · ·•

guarantee 15 percent of the funds its students receive from the Authority in the event of a default. USO. with about 62 percent of its 4.800 undergraduate and law students receiving some type of financial aid (loans. grants. or work study). is eek- ing S3.1 million, said Boyce. Point I oma College, with 82 percent of its 1,800 students receiving financial aid, will seek hetween S2 million and S4 mil- lion. according to JACK SCHAR':-.:, fi- nancial aid director. And at ational University, where only 3 percent of the 7 .000 active ·tudents require financial aid, officials plan to eek only about $500.000, according to DARRELL HOYLE. the school's controller. Most of the California bond funds - about two-thirds - will be made to par- ticipants in the Parent Loans for Under- graduate Students program, a federally insured plan which requires students' parents to begin repayment immediately. Under the once-popular but now en- dangered Guaranteed Student Loan plan - which will receive only about 5 percent of the California bond issue -


LEMON GROVE REVIEW JUL 1 5 198Z Brovelli Names New Aide at USD Jim Brovelli, University of San Diego head basketball coach, has hired David Bah- cock to an assistant basketball post. Babcock will replace as- sistant Dick Satterlee, w ho has accepted the head coach- ing position at Eastern Ore- gon State. Babcock brings with him considerable experience in spite of his young career·. He was assistant to his alma ma- ter Grand Canyon Colleie r1981-82J and also at Moon Valley High School where ne helped direct the team to an Arizona AAA crown and a Skyline Co11ferenc'P Champion- ship ( 19~0-811. ln addition to coaching, Bah<'O('k played bas- ketball al Scottsdale Junior College (Arizona) and r.rand Canyon CollC'ge. His nlder brother Pete is an assistant coach with the San rnego Clippers of the NBA. Meanwhile Coach Brovelli visits Leo Grr,.•n, i-:ngland in r>arly August to speak at the English Schoolq Basketball Assn. Player Improvement Clinic

• LOCAL NOTES - David Babcock, a former assist- ant coach .at Grand Canyon College in Arizona, was named assistant bas~etball coach at University of San Diego. ~abcoc.l(, who s older brother Pete is an assistant coach with the San Diego Clippers, replaced Dick Satter- lee Satterlee left to become the head coach at Eastern Oregon State.


JUL 1 0 1982

USD COACH SELECTED - David Babcock, a former assJStant basketba\1 coach at Grand Canyon Co\lege in Arizona, has been named assistant basketba\1 coach at University of San Diego. Babcock's older brother, Pete, is an assistant coach with the San Deigo Clippers. ----~


JUL 1 4 1982


+++ JIM BROVELLI, USD's head basketball coach has_ announced the hiring of David Babcock as a~ ~s1stant coach. Babcock will replace assistant Die~ _Satterlee, who has accepted the head coaching position at Eastern Oregon state. Babcock previously assisted at his alma mater Grand Ca_nyon College last year, and also at Moo~ Valley High School, where he helped direct the team to Ar" an izona AAA cro\\11 and a Skylin Confe~ence Championship in 1980-81. Beside: coa~hmg, Babcock played basketball at Scottsdale Juruor College and Grand Canyon College. . '-----~-~---

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