News Scrapbook 1981-1982






SEMI AR: Computer Assisted Instruction DATE Aug. 3 llME: 9 am. to 6 p.m. LOCATIO '· USD De Sab Hall. Rooms 203. 209 FEE: $50 SPONSOR USD Department of Con- tinuing Education and School of Education

M1crocomputcr, DA If Aug. 2 TIMF· 9 am. to 6 p.m. I OC A I ION: USD. De Sales Hall. Rooms 203. 209 FEE: $SO SPO SOR: SD Department or Con- tinuing Education and <.:chool of Education CO T ACl: 293-4585

l!,c of

SEMl:'1:AR: Admini,1rat1~c Microcomputer, DATE· Aug. 4 ·1 IMF. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

l.OCA r ION . USD De Sales Hall. Rooms 203. 209 FEE· $50 SPO SOR · USO Department of Con- tinuing Education and School or Fducallon

COJ\'.TACT. 29.:1-4585

CONT AC'T 29.:1-4585







Minor Offered At USD SAN DIEGO - The Un• iver. 1ty or San Di go School of Education \\ill offer a Ph) s1cal education minor in the new academic year, which tart ep . S. The cour desi ned for wide rang of lntere ts, from students eeking elementary or secondary teachmg creden- tials to tho. e wishing to develop a personal plan for physical fitness An undergraduate pro- gram compri mg 26 credit hour , the phy ical educe• hon minor focu. e on phy. < al fitne · , individual dev pment, and social d velopm nt. mong the cour e offered are the Biology of Exerci e, Prin- cipals and Practices in Re- er a!Jon, Principles and Practice of Coaching, and Health Education, along with a number of electives cours . Additional information about the new program may be obtained by calling USO' director of Teacher Educa lion at 293-4S38.



USD gets physical with P.E. minor The University of San Diego School of Educa- tion will offer a physical education minor in the new academic year,

which starts Sept. 8. The course sequence is designed ror a wide range of interests, from students seeking ele- mentary or secondary teaching credentials to those wishing to develop a personal plan for phy- sical fitness.

4 1982 ....




,--~--~ U.S. Atty. Peter NlllleZ tells anyone who wants to listen about "New Dimensions of Federal Law Enforcement." Sponsored by the USO &hool of Law Board of Alumni, the brown-bag-it lunch is at noon Friday in the SDG&E auditorium downtown. A

6 fri -"N-,w Dlmcosloos or Fcdcral Law Enforcement" is 1ht' suhject of a lecture to be delivered by Peter K. :-lune,, U S. attorney in the USD Alumni Associa1ion Summer Lecture Series brown bag lunch at the SDG& E Auditorium, 101 Ash Stree1 a1 noon



San Diego Union/ Jerry Mdlcrd

lee Hubb,1rd is ,11/ smiles H he is congf,lfu• I.Jted by Gene Cel71lll, left, ,l/1d Ernie King. At right, K"en S,1/zm,1nn ,1nd Leon Drew Jue l spin ,1/ the Slirlight Oper,1 /J,l/J ,1/ the Aero- SJ),lce Museum.


U I) Law Alumni Assn. Lecture- Peler K.

'-unc, U S Allorney (designate) , speak on " New O1mcn>1ons of Federal La"' Enforcemcni .. 1 Aug 6 in a noon brown-bag seminar at SDG&E Auduorium . 101 Ash S1.

Pat White, Suzanne Graf, Theresa Schultz, David Schrage and Shelby Grim, with Pauline Gleason Leib at the piano. Guests of honor were longtime Starlight benefactor Tom Fleming; Vince Benstead, president of the San Diego Civic Light Opera Association; Leon Drew, Starlight's general manager and executive producer; and artistic directors Bonnie and Don Ward. Dancmg to Dick Braun's big-band sounds were Starlight patrons like Hylda and Morris Hector (both in tuxedos), Reba Brophy and Robert Tota, and the Alan Tofflers. (That bandstand backdrop was borrowed from the Starlight production of "The Student Prince.") • • • Marge and Art Hughes added a song-and-dance finale to their patio party the other night at the University of San Diego, and guests gave it a rave review. The Hughes (he's president of USD) invited more than 200 friends for cocktails and dinner in the Founders Patio, then moved them into the neighboring Camino Theater for an exhilarating show by the Up With People troupe. (The Up With People youngsters are staying at USD during their summer engagement at Sea World.) Applauding the fast-paced revue were guests like Joan and Peter Choconas, Judy and Dr. John Comito, Darlene and Lowell Davies, Marie and Dean Dunphy, Connie and Bob Golden, Ernie and Rear Adm. Edward Grimm, Mary and Bruce Hazard, Amy and Lt. Gen. Victor Krolak, Ruth and Jim Mulvaney, Kathy and George Pardee, and Jane and Rear Adm. Herb Stoecklein.





' daughters, Lisa and Lynn, and their son, Lee Hubbard III, and his wife, Kimberlyn. (They're the parents of Lee Hubbard IV, born Feb. 12 at Mercy Hospital - the third Lee Hubbard born at Mercy.) • • • San Diego's Starlight Society staged its first annual Starlight Opera Ball the other night. By starlight. And all m blue and silver. The party setting was the courtyard of the Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park; the table decor was star- spangled, and the souvenir menu1program/dJ'lce card was blue and silver with a shiny silver tassel and a tiny silver pencil. Chairwoman Cindy Peterson sparkled in blue sequins, and Starlight Society president Shirley McQuerter wore blue taffeta ruffles and a silvery tiara. Bob Arnhym was master of ceremonies. His wife. Gail, sang with the Starlighters, a group that also includea


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