News Scrapbook 1981-1982


AUG 1 2 198Z

AUG 5 J:½ZEL crow TRIBUNE SOCIETY EDITOR S HAMU - THE ONE WHO WALKS AROUND, not the w1mming one - missed the first part of the party but he was there to do his bit later on wh n Dr. and Mrs. Author Hughes entertained friends of the University of San Diego Tuesday eve- ning. Shamu was suppo ed to be greeting guests in the patio of Founder Hall, in tead he was greeting peo- ple down th street a bit: a mistake reconciled as the Hughe s' 230 guests finished dinner in the patio. He then led the crowd mto Camino Theater where he joined the Up•With People cast in a special perform- ance for the guests. Party-goer included members of the President's Club, Corporate Associates, Maudsley Fellows and tru tees of the umver ity. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes and daught r, Su ·an, made do without Shamu in welcom- ing gu at the patio which was decorated with colorful tr amers and Mexican paper flowers. A I ling during the evening were student ushers, Mtk Lmdmark, Mark Kileen, Chris Pa cals and Matt Deline as well as Vince Guihn, president of the Associated Student Body. • Their pr n e prompted Mrs. Low l E. Davies to remark that "it is alway nice to come to SD be- au w get to m et som of the stud " • • • mb rs of th USD family there included Mrs. Jo n Frag r, who with Mr. Frager serv presi- dent of the Par nts' Club Their on John is m a graduate program and Mrs. Frager is an alumna. Also pr enl were Mrs. Richard Reilly, president of th USO Auxiliary, and Mr Reilly, and Mrs. Frank Ale io. chairman of the auxihary'' tea at the Hughe •s' home on campus Sept 14. with Mr Alessio. Or. Hughe quipped to some guests that Shamu didn't show on chedule because "he beard we were ·erving salmon·• There was both salmon, in quenelle form, and c 1ckcn breast on the buffet menu along with spma h alad and herbed breads. Dessert was help-your. el£ from baskets of strawberries forming centerpieces for the tables covered in green. The dre suggestion was "casual" but retired Rear Adm. Edward E. Grimm thought he had inter- preted that as too casual; he wore a Hawaiian sport shirt. He was there with Mrs. Grimm, in a black-and- white prmt, nd their daughter, Diana Brotherton, in colorful cotton. ene Gamble's muted plaid jacket in grays and berry not only won approving glances but proved to be a hedge against the cool breeze in the patio. Robert Golden, attending with Mrs Golden, also wore a plaid Jacket and Jim Mulvaney, with Mrs. Mulvaney, favored the summer blue-and-white seer- sucker jacket. Dr. Hughes' jacket was tan and so was Doug Manch ster's and Dean 'inteman's. Summer cottons and a few knit costumes were the choice of many women, and most brought sweaters or stoles to ward off the winds.

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Colleges Foundert G1ll•rr: James Rocha: Recent Work, through Sept. 7. University of San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wedne.days to 9 p.m.

SO BUSINESS JOURNAL AUG 9 1~.,i:'. SEMINAR: Curriculum Planning for Computer Literacy DATE: August 10 TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. LOCATION: USO, De Sales Hall FEE: $50 SPONSOR: USO Department of Con- Education CONTACT: 293-4585 £MINAR: Administranve Use of Microcomputers DATE: August 11 TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. LOCATION: USO, De Sales Hall FEE: $50 SPONSOR: USO Department of Con- tinuing Education and School of Education CONTACT: 293-4585 --~---~~---- SO BUSINESS JOURNAL AUG 9 1ss, SEMINAR: Advanced Basic Program- ming (Computer) DATE: August 12 TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m LOCATION: USD, De Sales Hall FEE $50 · SPONSOR: USD Department of Con- tinuing Education and School of Education CONTACT: 293-4585 SEMINAR: Independent Projects in Microcomputer Use DATE: August 13 TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. LOCATION: USD, De Sales Hall FEE: $50 SPONSOR: USO Department of Con- tinuing Education and School of• Education CONTACT: 293-4585 unumg Education and School of

Art and Marge Hughes with daughter, Susan, USO buffet

Around Town

The Jack Lewis Powells were there from Rancho Santa Fe; the Roger Stewarts, Marilyn Roe, George Vojtko· and Bernard Siegans from La Jolla; retired Lt. Gen and Mrs Victor H. l(rulak and the S. Falck N1clsens were among those from P.oint Loma, and retired Rear Adm. and Mr. Herbert G. Stoecklein from Del Cerro.


Jim Kassner knew why Shamu arrived late at Marge and Art Hughes' buffet-reception at the Umversity of San Diego last week. Why? Because, said Jim, "Shamu heard they were serving salmon and didn't want to come until everyone was fimshed." Shamu (or someone dressed like him, anyway) ac- tually came to be part of the evening-capping enter- tainment in the Camino Theater by the 39 members of "Up With People" who are currently performing at Sea World and enjoying USD's hospitalit) during I heir visit.


Marking the week's social scene was the highly saccessfal Jewel Ball; a wine-tasting ben- efit for the American Cancer Society; a party and "Up With People" show given by Dr. and Mrs. Author Hughes at USD, and a gala 50th birthday party for Craig Starkey. Dr. Charles Henkel- ma.nn displays bis wine expertise at the Cancer Society wine-tasting party as Mrs. Henk- lemann looks oa in photo at top, left. The party was given by the Bonita League of the American Cancer Soci- . ety at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fuen- tez, top right. Barbara Sherrill, left, and Katy Dessent, ball chairman, chat at Sat- urday's Jewel Ball in La Jolla, above, and Linda Alessio, left, and Carol Riley are all smiles at the ,Hughes party at USD in photo at right, renter. Dr. Hughes is president of USD. Aad a smiling Craig Starkey, right, accepts fOngratulations from a guest at bis 50th birth· day party at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club.

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AUG 11 l9ei USD offers new minor The Uni~ersity of San Diego will offer a minor in physi- cai, education for the first time this fall. We feel there a need for some students to learn the knowled,~e and skills of physical fitness and social devel- opment, _Dean Edward DeRoche said. The mmor is not_ limited to students planning to be- ~ome teachers,.b~t is for anyone wishing to get involved m sports act1V1ties for their own enjoyment.

Medleys of hits from the '50s, '60s and '70s drew repeated bursts of enthusiasm from a crowd of USO friends and benefactors that included Nancy a,d George Pardee, Gene Gamble, Art and ancy Johnson and the John Comito·. "ll' just a party," said Art, when asked the reason behind the evening - and it was a very plea- sant one. Mary and Jim Berglund, the Doug Man- che ters and Coolley and Don Carley all took a break from their labors for the Jewel Ball to enjoy conversation and a light upper on the Camino Patio. Happy Redfearn arrived with Bill Baumer, and a contingent from the USO Women's Auxiliary in luded Val frager, Carol Reilly and Marilyn Roe. Among the many other friends of USD attending were the Harold Agnews, Dona and George Vojtko, the Tom Bargers and the Charles Me1vi\les.

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Photos by Bob Redding George Smith John Gibbins

David Nelson i, the ociety columnist of the Light.

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