TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Thekla Kraußeneck Had he only been dreaming? No, definitely not; he could tell that much from his body. He clenched his fists and flexed the muscles inhis forearms.Whenhe lookeddown, hesawthat hewaswearing a pair of hippy shorts, a very loud T-shirt and sandals. He noticed the fair hair on his legs and on his toes.

“Lachlan?” he called out. Even his voice sounded completely normal.

“Are you meeting someone?” asked a voice from behind. Zack jumped and turned round to see a man standing there, who seemed to have appeared from nowhere. At least he couldn’t see any door or entrance nearby.

“Hi,” said Zack mistrustingly.

The man (Zack estimated him to be in his early thirties) did not have the misfortune to be dressed in sandals and a Hawaiian T-shirt. In fact, Zack found that he looked rathercool. Blackgelled hair, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black buttoned-up silkwaistcoat with amagenta-red tie, jeans and cowboy boots. He had a triangular-shaped build: a narrowwaist andwide shoulders.

“Hi, I’m Octavian, an administrator. Pleased to meet you and welcome to Cronos.”

The man opened the first page of a little red book and took a brief look inside it. For a minute Zack wondered if this man had


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