In each department two head nurses are in charge — respectively of male and female wards — each having, excluding the probationers, a staff of trained nurses, generally seven, at their disposal. A matron is in charge of the Nurses’ Home. Part of her work consists in appointing probationers, supervising their preliminary training and assigning them to the various departments for further training. The superintendence of the nursing service is as? signed to a committee controlling the nursing ser? vices at all the municipal hospitals with the exception of the Bispebjaerg Hospital and the Children’s Hospital at Fuglebakken, which are controlled by a special committee. The Nursing Committee of the Kommune Hospital consists of the Director of the Hospitals, who presides at meetings, a senior physician or surgeon elected by and among the senior physicians and surgeons, the Matron of the Nurses’ Home and two head nurses elected by and among the whole of the head nurses. 2. OERESUNDS HOSPITAL. This hospital, opened in 1878, was originally inten? ded to act as a quarantine hospital, but it was after? wards altered and considerably enlarged. The hospital is now divided into two departments, each in charge of a senior physician, viz.: a tubercu? losis department, the senior physician of which also has charge of a minor epidemic department, and a medical department with a special sub?department for tuberculosis. The total number of beds is 539, arranged as follows:

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