by means of which patients can be treated — free or at low rates — should they fulfil the special terms attached to these bequests. The 60 oere and the 1 kr. 20 oere charges cover respectively only about 4 to 5 and about 10 per cent of the cost of maintenance. The municipal grants*in* aid to the Hospital Service, including St. Hans Hospi* tal but not those hospitals or hospital departments controlled by the Guardians, at present amount to 14 million kroner per year. In addition to the hospitals proper, the manage* ment of the municipal convalescent and nursing homes is also controlled by the Directorate of Hospi* tals. Finally, the Directorate controls the Municipal Nursing in Homes. The work of the Directorate of Hospitals con* sists, therefore, in dealing with general questions affecting the institutions controlled. Its work is as* sisted partly by the presence of the Directorate in the individual institutions and partly by means of the reports made — at least weekly — by the heads of institutions in the Directorate. Finally, the Directo* rate convenes the heads of institutions to meetings when a mutual discussion of a question is held to be desirable, e. g. before the yearly budgets are prepared. The hospitals and institutions the administration of which is centralised in the Director are the fol* lowing: 1. The Kommune Hospital .......... 1,022 beds 2. The Oeresunds Hospital ........ 539 » 3. The Blegdams Hospital .......... 499 » 4. The Rudolph Berghs Hospital 176 »

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