Complaints e-Book

More About SES and Consumer Complaints

Is the Consumer Complaints application its own system within SES?

Yes, the Consumer Complaints component and the Supervisory Activity component of SES talk to each other and share data. For example, agencies can view the count of complaints within the scheduling module which provides a quick link to the company record where you can see the complaints details.

Is it possible to update or escalate a complaint into an investigation or an exam to the point where the complaint IRs get transferred into the SA record?

No, not currently. In SES, users may connect a complaint to a supervisory activity (exam or investigation) at the time the exam is set up, or later by editing the basic exam details.

If a complaint does find there is a violation of state or federal guidelines, will we be able to issue a letter / action to the company via the complaints system prior to closing the complaint? As the functionality stands today, you could potentially send the letter through the information request feature and ask the company to acknowledge receipt of the letter by responding back to your information request. Otherwise, this will need to be done outside of the system.

What does it mean to be added to the “Complaints Group”?

The Complaints group is a permission that allows users to view or manage complaints in SES. As of the latest system release (8/21/21), users who exclusively use SES Complaints only need to be assigned to the SES Complaints group. They do not need to be assigned a supervisory activity role. A single user can only hold one role within the SES Complaints group. Below is a summary of the Complaint roles:


Complaint Supervisor

Complaint Manager

Complaint Viewer


Has all permissions and receives all notifications for all complaints. Responsible for accepting or rejecting complaint access requests from other agencies.

Has all permissions for all complaints except for the ability to accept or reject access requests to a complaint. Does not receive notifications from the Discussion Board when “All Agency” is tagged in a post.

View-only access to all complaints. Does not receive any notifications and cannot take any actions.

Updated: 8/20/2021

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