Complaints e-Book

Reopening a Complaint

Introduction You can reopen a complaint that has been closed for up to one year. If a complaint has been closed for more than one year, you must initiate a new complaint. Common reasons include closed in error or the consumer comes back with more information that they didn’t have initially. Another reason to reopen a complaint would be to update the complaint details.

Note: All Complaint Supervisors and Managers can reopen a complaint. See SES Agency System Roles and Groups for more information.

Reopening a Complaint 1. Access the desired closed complaint. 2. Click Reopen Complaint on the Summary or Details tab.

Impacts of Reopening a Complaint

• The complaint is changed to a “Reopened” status. • You can take action on the complaint again. • The company is only notified that the complaint was reopened if an information request is sent after reopening the complaint. • Reopening information is displayed in the Complaint Details section.

Updated: 8/20/2021

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