2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Spencer, Iowa  2017  Comprehensive Plan







The comprehensive land use plan is an essential planning document for those communities in Iowa intending to enforce zoning regulations, annexations, urban renewal tax benefits and other land use controls. This document is created to be Spencer’s primary guide for future land use policy decision making. The comprehensive plan is general in nature and broad in scope, assessing past and current conditions and making projections for population, housing, economic conditions, and land use issues. The core of the plan is comprised of two primary sections to be supported by the remainder of the data and statistical analysis in this plan.

1) GOALS, OBJECTIVES & POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS for the next 10 to 15 years in Spencer 2) FUTURE LAND USE MAP creating a visual depiction of proposed land use development.

Included within this executive summary are the general comprehensive plan goals, plan implementation strategies, and the future land use map. Supporting data is available within the main body of the plan, as well as specific policy recommendations addressing each land use classification in Spencer. SUMMARY OF OVERALL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS & OBJECTIVES The comprehensive planning and visioning process provides tools for directing change in Spencer. A community vision will only happen if local leaders continue to consider new or nontraditional planning methods and techniques, and address land use problems that may arise.

Significant commitments are required to make the planning process and implementation of this document successful. The Planning and Zoning Commission must continue to work with city leaders to guide the implementation of this plan and other development issues. This plan is not a “quick fix” to the future economic and community development actions

Maintain diversity of land uses while minimizing future land use conflicts

Provide long term planning guidance through land use controls

for Spencer. With that said, this comprehensive plan should serve as a guide for future development decisions. A comprehensive land use plan needs to be modified and updated over time to maintain current plan goals and support control ordinances. The extent of growth experienced within the community will play a significant role in determining how often and what types of adjustments are required.

Preserve the character of

developed areas while designating future land uses

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