Escapees May June 2015 Demo . This alert signifies Internet-related information.

CONTENTS May/June 2015, Volume XXXVI, No. 6

FEATURES 12 RV Solar Power

System components and design. BY EMILY FAGAN

18 Buying an RV

Personal and financial considerations. BY SHAWN LORING

22 Sprinter Van Conversion

Tow vehicle and shop combo. BY GARY DINSMORE

26 Southern Vancouver Island

Experience the beauty. BY CAROL ANN QUIBELL

57 Day-trip Go-list

Tips to avoiding RV mishaps. BY EVANNE SCHMARDER

59 From the Bookshelf

Reading for the road. BY MARCELLA GAUTHIER


67 Dental Emergencies

Temporary solutions for RVers. BY RONALD DINGEE

Photo by Carol Ann Quibell.

71 Oral Hygiene

Mouth maintenance for good health. BY KAREN MINARD


72 The Olympic Peninsula

Washington’s scenic summer discovery. BY PETE GRANGER

80 Repairing a Friendship

The art to making amends. BY DIANE BERRY

STAFF 3 Thoughts for the Road KAY PETERSON 6 The Editor’s Desk TAMMY JOHNSON 8 Message from the Board CATHIE CARR 20 Escapees Head Out Program Events 888-757-2582 OR HOPINFO@ESCAPEES.COM LISA KOCA 25 56th Escapade 2016 888-757-2582 OR WWW.ESCAPEES.COM/ESCAPADE BOB AND MOLLY PINNER 47 Rainbow Parks TRAVIS CARR 54 Mark, My Words MARK NEMETH 56 RV Gadget Box MARK NEMETH 62 Weight and Safety Tip JIM KOCA



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