2015 Informs Annual Meeting

INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015

Tuesday, 4:30pm-6:00pm TD01 Optimizing Decisions in Conflict, Deterrence, and Peace TD02 Military Applications TD03 Inventory Management II TD04 Economics I TD05 Social Media Engagement TD06 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management TD07 Topics in Optimal Investment TD08 Tutorial in Financial Services TD09 Collaborative R&D TD10 Platform-Based Markets in the Digital Era TD12 MAS Tutorial: The State of Operations Research in the US Military: A 75th Anniversary Perspective TD14 Optimization in Energy and Resources Production and Management TD15 Capacity Management in Healthcare Operations TD16 Inverse Optimization TD17 Routing and Multidimensional Assignment Applications TD18 Recent Advances in First Order Methods for Large-Scale Optimization TD19 Network Inference TD20 Banking and Insurance TD21 Disease Modeling in OR TD22 Contact Centers TD23 Markov Decision Models and Approximations for Manufacturing TD24 Social Network Analytics TD25 Economic Models and Analysis of Networks and Platforms TD26 Production and Scheduling I TD27 Applications of Multi-objective Optimization TD28 Dynamic Matching Markets TD29 Joint Session Analytics/HAS:The Emerging Role of Health Systems Engineering and its Impact on Clinical Informatics and Analytics TD30 Decision Support Systems II TD31 Time Series Data Mining TD32 Data Mining TD33 Decision and Prediction Models in Healthcare TD34 Joint Session HAS/MSOM-Healthcare: Operational Issues and Information Sharing in Healthcare TD35 Disaster and Emergency Management II TD36 Fire and Emergency Medical Services TD37 Therapy and Treatment TD38 Probability TD39 Product brand differentiation and pricing decisions TD40 Marketing II TD41 Healthcare Supply Chain Decision Making TD42 Patients and Practice: Using the Right Resources to Deliver Care TD43 Revenue Management with Consumer Choice Models TD44 Recent Trends in Retailing TD45 Topics in Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management TD46 Service Operations TD47 Sustainable Operations Management TD48 New Directions at the Interface of Finance, Operations, and Risk Management TD49 Demand Driven Supply Chains TD50 Supply Network Management: Collaboration and Competition TD51 Innovative and Entrepreneurial OM TD52 Social Media and Internet Marketing TD53 Inventory and Information Sharing TD54 Meta-algorithms: From Algorithm Tuning and Configuration to Algorithm Portfolios TD55 Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) TD56 Project Selection, Evaluation and Collaboration TD57 Modeling the Economics of Low-Carbon Power Systems TD58 New Insights on Electricity Markets with Uncertain Supply TD59 Optimal Design and Operation of Smart Electrical Grids TD60 Performance Measurement

TC23 Stochastic Modeling and Control of Production Systems TC24 Search Across Disciplines: Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research TC25 Online Crowds: Crowdfunding and Social Media TC26 Gray Market, Sustainability, Competition, and Diffusion TC27 Evolutionary Bilevel Optimization TC28 New Frontiers in Market Design TC29 Joint Session Analytics/HAS: Analytics Innovations in Healthcare and Medicine TC30 Decision Support Systems I TC31 Joint Session DM/QSR: Quality and Statistical Decision Making in Health Care Applications

TC32 Decision Support Systems for Data Mining TC33 Appointment Scheduling in Healthcare TC34 Optimal Cancer Therapy TC35 Disaster and Emergency Management I TC36 Humanitarian Applications III TC37 Kidney Allocation and Exchange TC38 Queueing Models II TC39 Distribution Channel Management TC40 Marketing I

TC41 Joint Session MSOM-Health/HAS: Healthcare Operations TC42 Joint Session MSOM-Health/HAS: Workarounds, Errors and Interruptions in Healthcare TC43 Joint Session RMP/MSOM: Choice Models: Estimation and Optimization TC46 Issues Related to Supply Chain Management TC47 Topics in Remanufacturing and Recycling TC48 Managing Finances and Risk in Supply Chains TC49 Multi-Echelon Inventory Modeling TC50 Operations Economics TC51 Online Retailing TC52 Machine Learning Applications in Marketing TC53 Grab Bag of Behavioral Papers TC54 Discrete Optimization Models for Homeland Security and Disaster Management TC55 Outsourcing I TC56 Commercialization of New Technologies TC57 Long-Term Electric Power System Planning Models TC58 Electricity and System Resilience TC59 Impacts of Climate Change TC60 Disruption Management TC61 Sustainable and Responsible Supply Chain Management TC62 Optimization in Bio-energy TC63 Operations Management I TC64 Panel Discussion: Analytics and Decision Analysis TC65 Joint Session DAS/MAS:Game Theory, Decision Analysis, and Homeland Security, Part B TC66 Managing Airport Arrival Flows TC67 Consolidation in Transport TC68 TSL Prize Session TC69 Multimodal Traffic Signal Control in a Connected Vehicle Environment TC70 Predictive Analytics in Railway - Practice TC71 Transportation Planning I TC72 DDDAS for Industrial and System Engineering Applications III TC73 Quality Monitoring and Analysis in Complex Manufacturing Processes TC44 Pricing in Online Markets TC45 Behavioral Issues in RM

TC74 Innovative Methods for System Informatics TC75 IBM Research Best Student Paper Award III TC76 Advances in Stochastic Simulation TC77 Logistics II TC78 Optimization of Energy Systems TC79 Software Demonstration – Snycopation Software/ Frontline Systems, Inc.


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