Blue Carbon - First Level Exploration of Blue Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula

Seagrass Carbon…

Mangrove Carbon…

“Studies needed are those on density, biomass, primary productivity, and growth rates of the seagrasses. Until these studies are done, there is no real way to quantity their contribution to the Gulf fisheries…This work is badly needed for the Arabian Gulf.” (Phillips, 2002).

Photo: © EAD - Xavier Eichaker

Photo: © EAD

Research on regional seagrass density, biomass, primary productivity, and growth rates are also paramount for Blue Carbon. Salt marshes Commonly found in the more sheltered regions of the Arabian Gulf coast, salt marshes are intertidal

Approximately 42 per cent of Yemen’s Red Sea coastline supports seagrass communities (Rouphael et al ., 1998). In 2002, the late Dr. Ronald Phillips, a pioneer in seagrass research, noted an almost total lack of research on seagrasses in the Arabian Gulf (Philips, 2002);


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