Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


9. What’s ahead: “Ultimately, we expect to see believers choosing from a proliferation of options, weaving together a set of favored alternatives into a unique tapestry that constitutes the personal ‘church’ of the individual,” p. 66. 10. Christian faith is redesigned in terms of self-government (i.e., Christianity as the personal response of a Revolutionary to go beyond church and society in personal covenant made with God alone,) p. 70.

a. Self-government is the only way to become Christlike: Neither church nor society can help you here.

b. Self-governed followers of Jesus are expected to live like Jesus: to influence the world, not be influenced by it, p. 71.

c. Notice the characteristics of Christlikeness on pp. 75-78.

11. Revolutionary “perspectives”: Barna’s personal list, p. 80

a. Live the revolution as a way of life.

b. Engage in frontline warfare in order to gain the victory.

c. Be motivated to surrender all to Christ out of love and obedience, p. 82.

d. Be attuned to God and get your marching orders from God, pp. 82-83.

e. Don’t compromise the right for anyone or anything, bear the burden, p. 83.

f. Forget about jockeying for position and power; know who’s Boss and follow him, p. 83.

g. Live the paradox; the Revolution isn’t easy but it produces results, p. 84.

B. Tradition described as an indigenous movement which is able to avoid church planting movement poison through neglect of missionary oversight, funding from outside, and institutionalization of training, Garrison, pp. 65-97.

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