Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


3. “Rabbits” not “elephants”: the need for a “spiritual rabbit plague,” (i.e., the focus on rapid, dynamic multiplication [ Dynamism is the heart of Kreider’s vision. ]), p. 45 4. “The most effective house church networks will be made up of cell-based house churches,” a structural understanding of NT era tradition of church, p. 46. 5. HCNs are compatible with the next generation which are looking for relationship, authenticity, freedom to be creative, and intergenerational connection , pp. 50-54. 6. Authentic spiritual tradition is transmitted through spiritual mothers and fathers who reproduce , birth a spiritual lineage , and create genuine inheritance among those who know and love God, pp. 55-62.

a. Relationships , not structure , is the significant factor in HCNs, p. 62.

b. Spiritual parenthood occurs either through “natural child birth” (leading people to Jesus) or through “adoption” through discipling, p. 63.

c. HCNs allow for “on-the-job training” for spiritual mothers and fathers, pp. 64-5.

7. Recovering the tradition of Acts is primarily about meeting in homes with a primary focus on outreach and discipleship, rather than fellowship , p. 71. a. Greatest catalyst for spiritual growth is turning our “eyes from ourselves to Jesus and the needs of those around us,” p. 71

b. New churches provide more opportunities for evangelism (the older the church, the less evangelism occurs, cf. p. 73).

c. Current church structures impede use of the gifts of most Christians, p. 74.

d. Under restriction and limits, the home can become the place of kingdom advance, pp. 74-75.

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