Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


6. CPMs among the Bhojpuri-speaking people, persecution and martyrdom fueled innovation in strategy (a two-by-two approach), and the person of peace strategy.

a. No individualized work but in terms of teams of two

b. Bonding with a person of peace, discipling them, and then allowing that person to become the leader of the church in his household and community, p. 45 7. Breathtaking numbers of conversions when CPM spread through a homogenous unit , people of the same ethnic, linguistic, and cultural background, cf. pp. 46-47 8. Innovative ways of dealing with illiterate populations: e.g., listening to cassette tapes of Scripture and asking the question, “How can I obey Christ in this situation?”, p. 47

9. Divine power and God’s assurance accompanies the movement, p. 47

B. Garrison on equipping in China, pp. 49-64

1. China today is the home of “the fastest growing church and to the most Church Planting Movements on earth,” p. 49.

2. Turbulent and checkered history of Christianity in China, pp. 50-51

3. Stunning growth of Christian commitment in China: from 1982, the World Christian Encyclopedia was accused of being overly optimistic when it gave the figure of 1.3 million Christians; just 18 years later, the second edition estimated the number to be nearly 90 million believers in Christ in China–an exponential growth!, p. 52

4. The nature of the growth is in underground house churches , (up to 30,000 believers daily being baptized across China, p. 54)

5. A typical Chinese Church Planting Movement

a. Allegiance to Scripture with no political agenda or opposition to the State (i.e., flying under the radar of the authorities), p. 56

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